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Robert Braun owner of Pigeon River Farm a 50-acre Organically-Operated Farm located on the southern branch of the Pigeon River near Clintonville in Waupaca County, Wisconsin.
Robert Braun owner of Pigeon River Farm a 50-acre Organically-Operated Farm located on the southern branch of the Pigeon River near Clintonville in Waupaca County, Wisconsin.
Thoughts of a Farmer. We are a small farm supplying Eggs, Meat, and Vegetables in our local area, around 75 miles is our reach. I watch all the major corporate farms operate around us and think how they run off pure money and if the banking system broke one day food production would be done in a few days later. Where a little farm like mine could keep operating for weeks or more without money from the bank. Think local food and small farms!
Inflation now has a big impact on our farm operation. We are looking at plans to buy what we can afford before prices are completely out of hand. Our non-GMO corn jumps from $3.25 bl to $6.10 in our poultry feed. This could be really bad by Fall.
As a Farmer, I see food prices are going to explode as they do during every Grand Solar Minimum it's going to get very ugly in cities. We are adding one more high tunnel to go along with our 30' X 120' and 30' X 72' we currently have. We were lucky we got in on the old price because steel has jumped 40% since January 1st. and the main component is steel in a high tunnel.
Soybean oil linked to brain damage, a story in Natural News 3/4/2020. We have been Soy-free on the Farm for over 10 years. Our sales are off the chart for Soy-free Eggs. But our local grain farmers make sure everyone around the area that I spreading a lot of BS about Soy-free!!! I'm currently asking the local GMO seed deal what they know about what is listed in the article. Natural News has been a great reference for helping with healthy food production.
Fun video about our Scottish Highland Cattle.
I need help being a "WOKE" farmer. Need to explain to my Scottish Highland Bull that He can be a She if that feels right!
Bill Gates owns thousands upon thousands of farmland acreage in several states to prevent the raising of livestock and implement his synthetic beef agenda! Out Farm has some of the best pasture lands in the state of WI and that took a lot of work, money, and time. If we don't all stand together there will be no beef or even local food in our children's future.
@PattersonGlenFarm If Texas does not stand and keep the light of freedom glowing. I feel we will all have no chance of freedom in the future. My Farm is in the free part of WI but we are under great pressure of turning Blue. And we know what hell that will bring to my Farming business and Local Food. Have no fear!
Watch these Scottish Highland Bulls work out their problems. If only the lawmakers in DC could solve one problem without making 100 new ones.
The green new deal program is off to a poor start. The ice storm in Texas has taken half their renewable system off line. 10 Years ago I was teaching "Intro to Wind Energy" at the tech college and I had to show the students that you need the same base load CNG or Coal power to make up for Wind or Solar is down. Renewable energy plays very nice with CNG but the rocket scientist in DC do not understand anything in the real world!
There is little hope for farmers with Biden in power. The tax program will be the end of local food.
@PattersonGlenFarm How to standing up against this is to support your local farmer NOW when you still can. This control will only take hold once most smaller farms are out of business. Here in WI we still have a lot of small farms that are pushing back hard, but land price inflation "thanks to Bill Gates" is making it easier to sell and cash in than fight the good fight! The big CAFO's ready are using tracking chips in their dairy cows. Local food is the answer!
We took 50 acres of open land we bought for $75,000 back in 2002 and turned it into a full-scale farm. My wife and I had a small farm in SE WI and adding more land were out of line costing $12,000 / acres. So move to NE WI in a low-cost area and started over and it worked. Now I doing videos on how to "do farming right" off what we have learned over the last 19 years. Were helped dozens of new farmers last year and plan to continue. Have no fear.
With our Friend in DC working so hard to mess up the energy supply. Just think if they pull it off and power and heat cannot be supplied. I just shot a video on what it's like farming with temps below -5 F.
Once long ago "say a few years" the left thought I was so great being GMO-free, Organic, and caring for the soil. Now that I don't think right because I'm GMO-free my free speech is going to be taken away! My Chickens make more sense than these people.

Censorship and misinformation are opening the gates to a global empire.
www.organicconsumers.orgInflation is starting to move quickly in the Ag area. We have our Soy-free poultry layer mixed and sourced locally. We sell Pasture-raised Soy-free Eggs on the Farm and within Wisconsin. We just had our 30 days of feed mix and the prices just jumped 15% and I had most ingredients looked in. Feed, Fuel, Land, and Seed are all moving up in price. Important to lock in your supplies now. Price is one thing but if you can get Food or Supplies life gets real!
I keep reading about the Big-Reset and how private property will be a thing of the past by 2030. I kept thinking how; maybe by force: Good luck with that, most of us are ready for that outcome! Now I heard that Biden Fed appointee is looking at a wealth tax on land and other capital. Most farmers I know are land rich and cash poor and could not afford, say a 1% yearly tax. They would need to sell the Farm within 5 years to pay the tax! Bill Gates will now be your Farmer!
My world is changing now that the election is over and Biden is in. We just sold 30% of our breeder Cows, so our Cattle herd size matches our land/feed we own. With land being bought up at record prices and volume, I don't trust the local Farms will be there a year from now to supply the feed needed that I buy-in. Plus, with the Green New Deal, will beef have a market outside of direct sales? The Dems broke the system; hang on to your hat. It's going to get real bad. Sad Farmer!!!
All I hear about from my Dem friends is how good it will be with the New Green Deal!! I find it hard to get anyone of them involved in helping clean up what we are currently doing. I have even been told we need to use GMO/Chemicals Farming to feed the billions of people that will stave without it "BS" we can feed everyone using Organic practices for a fact. You got to love the double standards and low IQ. Just look at the voting patterns and the mess we now have.
@PattersonGlenFarm The Bee-killing pesticides one of the biggest threats to our food supply. Yet every Farmer that I talk to that is farming Non-organic. I'll go out of business without the sprays! Cheap food at a very high price. Well, what we have done for the last nine years is register our farm with that put us on the national no-spray list and let me tell you the local Coop is very careful around my Farm with there spray. Sign up and pass the info on.