My husband had a heart attack 3 wks ago. He is a heathy man who had a heart attack bc a blood clot went through his heart. Any advice? We wld like to use natual remedies instead of big pharma!
@Pandalilly smart meter emf s gave me an arrythmia 3 babyasparin 10 hawthorn berries ( mother of all heart herbs) Then a raw clove garlic and 1000 mg Crystal vit C those combined Raise N.O. (nitrous oxide) 100% Nitro glycerin is converted to N.O. which is a Dialator of vessels all the way to micro capillaries which end directly at cell wall. Lots of cinnamon with my oatmeal All these are blood pressure equalizers
@Pandalilly Eliminate all soy as its an endocrine disrupter BUT MOST IMPORTAINTLY Get rid of All Wi Fi dont keep cell phones in same room !!! hard wire computers from non wi fi modem And you cannot sleep in same side of the house that has that f in Smart meter They make cages for those and on the inside wall that has the meter you can put aluminum screening on the WHOLE WALL and run a copper ground outside
@Pandalilly cardamon, onion olive oil are all good for lowering/equal;izing blood pressure also