Every patriot has an obligation to question authority. Those who are honest are not concerned with your watchful vigilance and those with integrity are not concerned with your discernment. Every American is obligated to voice their concerns and stand up for their freedoms and liberties. Ladies and gentlemen, we are the men in the arena, we are the Patriot Confederation! Proudly hosted by John Grosvenor and "Bad Billy" Painter!
Coming up on Patriot Confederation! We will be joined by Steve Tanner (Idaho State Representative District 13 - Seat B)! Tune in live on September 3, 2024 at 7:00 PM Eastern/4:00 PM Pacific on The Patriots Prayer Network! #TheBeardedPatriots #PatriotConfederation #ThePatriotsPrayerNetwork #TannerForIdaho #Idaho https://rumble.com/v5df61h-patriot-confederation-september-3-2024.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp