Constitutional Christian Conservative, USN Vet
=> Whose buying XRP crypto currency ? <=
17 U.S. States have voted & approved Precious Metals to be used as currency / legal tender .. They have also voted to BLOCK THE USE OF CENTRAL BANK DIGITAL COINS / C.B.D.C.'s in those states ..
As American's we will not tolerate Central Bank Counterfeiting of Currencies any longer !! ..
You as American Citizens must write your state congress people & have them at least vote in Precious Metals as legal tender & deny central bank social engineering Communist Tokens to enslave the world !! ..
If you have followed my posts you will note that Klowns Schwab has said that WE all must be chipped so they can take away our 1st & 2nd Amendment Rights ..
Read what Klowns wrote in his 2015 book about murdering off White Christians ! ..