Phil Beiser is a Correctional Officer. Born and raised in rural WI. Born Again Christian who was raised under patriotic and Godly principles of the Bible. He has an A.S. Degree in Criminal Justice-L.E. and has attended numerous trainings while in College. Phil has spent most of his career at a Mental Health Treatment Facility for prisoners. Phil is also a Widowed man who lost his wife to breast cancer in 2019. He continues to live with purpose for his late wife and for Jesus Christ.
If you are feeling like all hope is lost, do not despair. All hope is not lost. There is realistic, rational basis for understanding a pathway to overturning the theft and the fraud. There are concrete actions we can all take right now to help assure the right outcome for our future.
@HealthRanger I am continuing to pray that God has His hand in the Military to make the right moves, at the right timing, and do the right thing in winning our country back from treasonous traitors who are slaves to China and Satan.
@Phil21 @HealthRanger
Yes, I believe. God wins
Trump has kept his promises and never let us down. He will not start now and never leave us. I’m over yesterday and will stand strong with my fellow Patriot friends.