Freethinker who loves a good debate on anything and everything. Enjoys foreign film, beautiful music; a good crime drama and a great spot to fish.
@ROSEHOON OK, I watched thru part 4 & I am HOOKED. Truth or Fiction, it is mesmerizing. It takes you back in time to the beginning...to what is currently happening in the world today. It has 17 parts. I am going to continue tomorrow. I sure hope to get my BIBLICAL ENDING...where the Good Guy (Jesus) is the New World Order Leader! NOT these evil s.o.b.s Thanks for a great diversion from the Terror of These Times. I give myself permission to recuperate & fight again another day.
@ROSEHOON Thank you for posting this.I watched the Fall of the Cabal 1-10 first and started on 1-7 sequel. Wow what an eye opener. Recommend watching.