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Freethinker who loves a good debate on anything and everything. Enjoys foreign film, beautiful music; a good crime drama and a great spot to fish.
Freethinker who loves a good debate on anything and everything. Enjoys foreign film, beautiful music; a good crime drama and a great spot to fish.
The Enemy Within: A Story of the Take-Over of the US Military and the Birth of the Perpetual War Machine – Counterinsurgency
FEB 29
The Emblem for Operation Gladio. Notice how both the SAS and Gladio hold the sword (gladio means sword) as it shared emblem and appears to be a reference to the Crusaders.
Secret Armies, Forgotten Betrayals and Global Tyranny
Contrary to what we are led to believe today, the Green Berets were not a Kennedy Administration creation but in fact were a creation of WWII meant to mirror the British Special Forces, Special Air Service (SAS) founded in 1941 and reconstituted as a corps in 1950. The unit, which is still active today, specialises in a number of roles including counter-terrorism, hostage rescue, direct action and special reconnaissance. Much of the information about the SAS is highly classified, and the unit is not commented on by either the British government or the Ministry of Defense due to the secrecy and sensitivity of its operations.
The Enemy Within: A Story of the Take-Over of the US Military and the Birth of the Perpetual War Machine – Counterinsurgency
FEB 29
Anyone who doubts that this nation building and police activity has not become real and very effective right here in the United States need only visit the area around Fort Bragg to find one of these early paramilitary CIA-oriented specialist, General Tolson, sending his American soldiers out into the countryside with nation-building programs for the citizens of the United States. If such tactics continue, it is possible that an enlargement of such a program could lead to a pacification program of areas of the United States, such as the CIA and the US Army have carried out in Indochina.”
Col. Fletcher Prouty “The Secret Team” (1972). Prouty served as a liaison officer between the Pentagon and the CIA between 1955 and 1963.
[This is Part II of the series “How Panama Became the SKYNET for Orwellian Totalitarianism in the Americas”. For Part I refer here.]
Klaus Schwab: Your avatar will live after you die and your brains will be replicated with algorithms
Rhoda Wilson
March 2
At a private World Economic Forum session in September 2022, Klaus Schwab told Global Shapers that their avatar will continue to live after they die and that their brains will be replicated through artificial intelligence.
He told the Global Shapers this just months before WEF launched its version of the metaverse.
The Global Shapers Community was founded by Schwab and the World Economic Forum (“WEF”) in 2012. It brings together people under the age of 30 who have been identified by WEF as potential leaders.
Author Ernst Wolff believes it is a proving ground where future political leaders are being selected, vetted and groomed before being positioned in the world’s political apparatus. It is akin to a WEF indoctrination programme just as is WEF’s Young Global Leaders.
Watch Schwab’s Global Shapers Network Exposed! Amazing Polly, 2 March 2022 (38 mins)
“You have the chance to look forward to a career of 50 years … Maybe more, you will get some injections and so on. Don’t forget your avatar will continue to live and your brain will be replicated through artificial intelligence and algorithms. So, we don’t know, but at least 50 years,” Schwab told the Global Shapers at a private WEF session.
Bronfman-affiliated Khashoggi.
The Bronfmans are associated with just about anybody that matters in government, finance, media and entertainment; in the US, Canada and Israel.
Evil Personified: The Bronfmans’ Unknown History with the Nation of Islam. Sara Bronfman’s husband, Basit Igtet, has ties to Muslim terrorists and cult leader Raniere
Bronfman, Epstein and pedophilia
25+ Scientist associated with Macroni PLC, working on a program for the Star War (SDI: Strategic Defense Initiative) end up dead, mostly in England, but also in France, Germany, and Sweden.
The more I understand Star Wars it seems to have laid the ground work for the current and future mission of the United States Space Force
There are a lot of odd coincidences that paints a picture that leads to today. For example, Caspar Weinberger had ties to Iran Contra which had ties to Adnan Khashoggi, who had ties to Ghislaine Maxwell, and Caspar Weinberger would go to Oxford (home of the Maxwells)
Macroni today exists as part of BAE, Ericsson,Telent and VIAV which interestingly makes sensors for Microsoft connect and Microsoft will appear in the Maxwell and Bolschwing Fthenakis section.
The Face of Shame
3 hours ago
Photo album:
us - election - 2024
(Sputnik News)
No Adults in the Room: Why Pentagon Chief's Absence Went Unnoticed by Team Biden
Video: ODD FELLOWS, REPOPULATION, ORPHANS, GHOST CITIES They terrorize their 3 year old every day
In his speech to the nation on Sept. 1, 1939 (pictured above), Adolf Hitler did not mention, except indirectly, this so-important Gleiwitz “false flag” that was supposedly ordered by him to justify his invasion order, but instead spoke at length about the ongoing provocations over the past four months by the Poles. He pointed out that since 1919-1920, 100,000 ethnic Germans who were Polish citizens had been forced to flee their homes in Poland.
He had only this to say about what occurred during the previous night:
These proposals for mediation have failed because in the meanwhile there, first of all, came as an answer the sudden Polish general mobilization (Aug. 30), followed by more Polish atrocities. These were again repeated last night (Aug. 31). Recently in one night there were as many as twenty-one frontier incidents; last night there were fourteen, of which three were quite serious. I have, therefore, resolved to speak to Poland in the same language that Poland for months past has used toward us. This attitude on the part of the Reich will not change.
Jackson was a supporter of the New Deal and of Roosevelt, who regarded him as a potential heir—in 1937 Roosevelt considered having him run for Governor of New York. Jackson was a fellow Democrat, fellow country squire, and fellow Dutch-American.
Roosevelt appointed Jackson to the Supreme Court in 1941, even though he didn’t have a law degree. In 1943, in keeping with the liberal policies of Roosevelt’s “stacked court,” Jackson wrote the majority opinion (based on individual rights) which overturned a West Virginia public school regulation that made it mandatory to salute the flag and imposed penalties upon students who failed to comply.
After the war, in 1954, Jackson played a major role in the Brown vs. Board of Education decision. While it was being considered, Jackson wrote a draft memorandum titled “CHANGED CONDITIONS” in which he stated that prior to Brown, segregation was legal … but that the premise for overruling the separate but equal doctrine was that he now recognized as erroneous the "factual assumption" that "there were differences between the Negro and the white races, viewed as a whole." So, while Jackson could not justify the decision made in Brown in law, he did so on the basis of a “political and social imperative.” (He used the same political and social imperative rather than law to underpin decisions made at the Nuremberg IMT.)
Why the story was invented in the first place
Robert H. Jackson, a U.S. Supreme Court Justice from 1941 to 1954, was sent to Europe when the war was ending to make sure that Germany alone would be blamed for the Second World War. Jackson, as leader of the U.S. legal team, helped draft the London Charter of the International Military Tribunal, which created the legal basis for the Nuremberg Trials.
After studying some of the documents, Jackson knew well and emphasized that the German declaration of war on the United States was perfectly legal. Therefore, he pointed out, it had to be shown before the court that the war in Europe was, from the beginning, a German aggression contrary to international law (making it a Crime Against Peace). Thus, the invasion of Poland had to be shown to be an aggressive move with no justification, and no blame on Poland. Further study of the files brought Jackson to doubt that a fair trial would support, in any way, the finding of Germany’s exclusive responsibility. On the contrary, he said:
It's ludicrous to imagine a family resemblance between these two faces.
The rumor that Adolf Hitler was the grandson of a Rothschild seems to have been hatched in the mind of a crypto-Jewish propagandist working in the United States’ first unified intelligence agency, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). Not long after, a former high Nazi official, waiting for his execution, “confessed” to discovering a “Jewish grandfather” in Hitler’s background. These fabrications have been thoroughly debunked, and the true story of Hitler’s family background is told below.
lies about Hitler, fake stories about Hitler, American Intelligence on Hitler
Adolf Hitler, Historical Revisionism, Recent Articles, The Third Reich
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We are on the verge of winning this battle.
We must prepare to enforce our victory after January 27, 2024.
The Working Group for amendments to the International Health Regulations (WGIHR) has openly admitted that they are going to FAIL to meet their deadline.
This, of course is why Substack was attacked this month. People can sense the truth. They can recognize it. By the end of November, the top twenty news organizations lost between 13% and 35% of their readers in 2023. Moreover, the loss is accelerating, as the chart below illustrates. The lying is so flagrant, so counter-reality that even glancing up against this level of stupidity feels like a burn.
The national security state was tasked with selling the climate scam, bullying every plutocrat feeding off government dollars – Bezos, Musk, Gates, whatever fascist fiend runs Google – to sell this idiocy, this madness. Everyone who protested was sidelined, which means anyone both intelligent and principled was sent to the sidelines. And with the departure of the principled, the unethical, or the go-along-to-get-along gang took power. And to keep power, they lied.
Media were bullied, universities were bullied, every institution was tasked with climate emissions draw-down. If you are in earth, air or water sciences, engineering, climate mitigation is built into every assessment, every development, every business opportunity. Try to get through the first years of engineering without confessing Climate Boiling. This guy from Bloomberg below, is so wrongheaded, so stupid, it actually hurts to look at this header. If this is what they deem truth, the entire human enterprise is in peril. That Gongloff wrote this and that his editor published it, means neither can think clearly, and that they have not done the necessary reading. They have been stampeded by the National Security State, and their pandering stupid owner - all profoundly irresponsible people.
Why Is Everything So Stupid?
Climate "Science" has Murdered Truth
DEC 30, 2023
Also this month, the stars of Substack, Matt Taibbi and Michael Schellenberger continued their methodical fleshing out of the surveillance state, and how deeply it has penetrated our lives.
I think it flared and metastasized long before 2018, with Obama’s election. He may be a puppet for the hard left, but he sure as hell did the bidding of the plutocrats and the military establishment, creating more foreclosures for normals, drowning Wall Street in free cash, and killing more brown people than all other presidents combined. John Solomon’s Just the News summarized former CIA agent’s book Neutering the CIA that shows how Obama weaponized the CIA against Americans, hiring Democrat activists to attack anyone and anything, like for the sake of argument Substack, that threatened the fiendish combination of progressive and plutocrat hegemony.
All things considered the Russian education system is superior to the United States education system.