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Check out "The Great Taking" by David Webb:
Excerpt from Children's Health Defense (link below)
"Webb, author of a book by the same title, exposes the “scheme by central bankers to subjugate humanity by taking all securities, bank deposits and property financed with debt.”
“Legal certainty has been established that the collateral can be taken immediately and without judicial review, by entities described in court documents as ‘the protected class,’” Webb says in the film. “Even sophisticated professional investors, who were assured that their securities are ‘segregated,’ will not be protected.”
The link to the article and video:
*You will want to download a copy of the free .pdf on (188 pages)

In “The Great Taking” documentary now airing on CHD.TV, former hedge fund manager David Webb takes the audience step by step through his forensic investigation into the legal, financial and regulatory…
Children's Health Defense"Denver Health administers 1st shots of Ebola vaccines"
"In a milestone moment in the Mile High City, on Nov. 27, Denver Health administered the first 'live' Ebola vaccine for preventative measures to some patients, 9News reported."

Denver Health has become one of the first health systems in the U.S. to administer the newly approved Ebola vaccine, Ervebo.
Is this the next step forward for them shedding sickness death side effects
They have more than just bugs in mind on the menu...
A recent stopthecrime eblast shows just how insane the globalist 'thinkers' are. The below site's main logo is: "One body can feed up to 40 people*"
Named sections you can read:
Human meat as a food source
Human meat nutrition facts
Safety and Quality control One body can feed up to 40 people* Donate now Together we could end world starvation, overpopulation and climate change. *Based on…
Human Meat ProjectFLASHBACK: San Jose, CA substation attack on April 16th, 2013:
"The yet-unsolved case has been shrouded in mystery. No suspects have been named... no motive identified."
Here are a few headlines:
"Sniper attack on California power grid may have been 'an insider,' DHS says"
"FBI: Attack on PG&E South Bay substation wasn't terrorism"
"Sophisticated but low-tech power grid attack baffles authorities"
"‘Military-Style’ Raid on California Power Station Spooks U.S."
The Most Terrifying Attack You Never Heard About - Metcalf Substation
The video mentioned that the perps: "“Aimed for transformer oil cooling systems”."
What happened with NC?: "The company said vandals damaged transformers, causing them to leak coolant oil, but the statement doesn’t say how."
Think GridEX drills.
Webinar | USA BETRAYED | The Biden Wrecking Operation: Weakening America, Benefiting the CCP

For nearly two years, Team Biden – Joe Biden’s administration and its partisan majorities in Congress – have adopted policies, enacted spending bills and imposed regulatory regimes that have wreaked havoc…
Committee on the Present Danger: ChinaDANGER: Florida Enacts Forced Vax & Death Protocol -Dr Jane Ruby

On today’s Dr. Jane Ruby Show, Dr. Jane speaks with attorney, activist and founder of American Freedom Information Institute, Shawn McBride who has been battling the dangerous Florida statutes enacted
rumble.comTop Insect Farming Companies
FROM THE LAND LLC founded in the USA in 2017 states:
"From The LandLLC is proposing an innovation to increase energy efficiency in insect production systems that will increase the economical value and could mitigate food shortages from current and ongoing crisis."
"To increase food security for all, we are focused on utilizing modern and ancient technologies to build a sustainable circular food production system, where energy, water, and nutrients are collected, stored, and cycled. " (Note the word 'circular' as in 'circular economy')
We can pretty much assume no mysterious fires or plane crashes will be destroying these facilities.
Top companies for Insect Farming at VentureRadar with Innovation Scores, Core Health Signals and more. Including SemiosBIO Technologies, YNSECT etc
www.ventureradar.comBeaver butts emit goo used in vanilla flavored foods
"Next time you pick up a vanilla candy, think twice. A chemical compound used in vanilla flavored foods and scents comes from the butt of a beaver.
Castoreum comes from a beaver's castor sacs, located between the pelvis and base of the tail. Due to its proximity to the anal glands, the slimy brown substance is often mixed with gland secretions and urine.
And the worst part? The FDA-approved castoreum is not required to be listed as an ingredient on food items. Manufacturers may list "natural flavoring" instead.

Next time you pick up a vanilla candy, think twice. A chemical compound used in vanilla flavored foods and scents comes from the butt of a beaver. Better than bugs for ya ! Just say no to fake vegan products
Todd Callender and friends join me for this lengthy discussion about the experimental jab technology, 5G and smart phones which are all linked as it pertains to the eugenicists kill grid.

Todd Callender and friends join me for this lengthy discussion about the experimental jab technology, 5G and smart phones which are all linked as it pertains to the eugenicists kill grid.
Truth for Health Foundation"Understanding the new US bioengineered disclosure"
And guess who built that?
"In July 2016, President "Obama" signed the National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Law (NBFDL), requiring food manufacturers to disclose the presence of bioengineered foods and ingredients. A “bioengineered” plant or animal has had a new gene inserted into it to give it a useful trait. GMO papayas, for example, have been given a gene that makes them resistant to the ringspot virus. “Bioengineering” is a synonym for the more familiar terms “GMOs,” “genetically modified” and “genetically engineered.” A bioengineered food or ingredient must contain some of the newly introduced DNA.
According to the National Academy of Sciences and the FDA, bioengineered foods are safe to eat and pose no risk to your health."

When you go to the grocery store, have you noticed foods with messaging like “contains no GMOs” or “made with bioengineered ingredients” on the packaging? Most likely, you have seen a range of ways food…"The world's largest insect protein production plant is coming to Illinois
France-based biotechnology company InnovaFeed will make Decatur its North American headquarters."
Here is their website:
"Two sites operating in 2020, ten more planned by 2030."
"The plant will produce 60,000 tonnes of animal feed protein annually from Hermetia Illucens, a highly nutritional type of fly, along with 20,000 tonnes of oils for poultry and swine rations and 400,000 tonnes of fertilizer, the companies said in a release."
Yeah, it's just animal feed. Right.
Another quote from the site:
"The insect, thanks to its exceptional ability to recycle low-value agricultural by-products by concentrating their nutrients, is one of the solutions to guarantee a healthy and sustainable diet for all."
The largest production capacityof the insect industry globally The largest production capacity of the insect industry globally Two sites operating in 2020, ten more planned by 2030. Innovafeed is currently…
Innovafeed"72 Types Of Americans That Are Considered “Potential Terrorists” In Official Government Documents"
Aug 26, 2013 Michael Snider
"A new mandate requires Florida utilities to transform sewage into drinking water without triggering the public's gag reflex."
"A future that includes recycled tap water moved further through the pipeline in late June when Gov. DeSantis signed a new water reuse law."
@RealityCheckonSteroids. Another mandate. Why not just pass a law? Ask the people what they think? Because he knows it will be overwhelmingly be voted down. I love my well.
Good for you having a well. You are spot on. These days it is not about what the people want, it is what they, the govt, want to impose on us.
@RealityCheckonSteroids Why is Florida following California's lead in feeding us "used" refuse water to drink. Why the hell is the governor doing this? TRUST NO ONE, is the best advice that I can give to anyone...
On July 30, a video called: "Bioengineered Food They Are Not Hiding It!" was posted on Brand New YouTube:
I visited a big box store and this product does indeed state on the label: "Contains Bioengineered Food Ingredients".
In the cereal aisle, Lucky Charms and Cheerios both had the same thing listed on their boxes. Interesting enough the website: had complaints about both of these cereals in months past.
The complaints about Lucky Charms and Cheerios included nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain. Can't say with certainty that the bioengineering ingredients had anything to do with their sicknesses but it is an interesting coincidence.
M&Ms and Dove Chocolate have this on their labels but no reports of illness. If anyone can expand on this more please do. It's safe to say, read all your packaged food labels!

Bioengineered food they are not even hiding it, but what does it mean?