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Does anybody have a Roku because I'm trying to find brighteon tv on there and can't
Full article and podcast: HEALTH CARE COLLAPSE warning: Vaccine spike protein will unleash widespread neurological damage that overwhelms world’s medical systems
@HealthRanger oh yea.....Surprised you haven't mentioned this yet..
@RichF79 awesome song,!!!!
@HealthRanger mike, please stop thinking that the Situation update MUST be under a certain time frame lol! You are literally the highlight of my day, take 2 hours if need be to get your point out! Thanks for all you do Mike!
@RichF79 I cant get enough of the Situation Report, I could listen to Mike all day. and on the weekends I always listen to his audiobooks, almost know them word for word .
PROOF that Biden is FAKE! They released a video that claims to show Biden talking with reporters... but it's all just green screen with layers, and they FORGOT to mask out the microphones in the foreground! Such a newbie mistake in green screen video compositing... so obvious, even more obvious that Obama's fake birth certificate. Hilarious!
@HealthRanger Mike, not sure how or where to post something to contact you but I'll try here. Your message at the end of the SU about God prevailing and being on the winning team hit home hard. I've been losing the battle of late, the morons that have infiltrated everything have made life almost unbearable. Anyway, I'm going to keep that final thought with me and run with it. Thanks again for your podcasts each day, and for your powerful inspiring message today and every day!
Still not sure how to use this but... I have never felt like I do right now. I feel hopeless, I feel like death would be a thing to welcome. The evil in this world is sickening. The sickness from the left is disgusting. I'm not violent by nature but would not think twice about taking a lot of these dems(commies) out
@RichF79 You came to the right place. No censoring here, and lots of good like-mind people.
Keep the faith!!
Thank you! It's trying times for sure!