Together, with your help, we can keep the Brighteon family of sites operating, innovating and fighting against online censorship. Any amount you can spare makes a difference.

I'm 60 and happily married to Randy. I currently work part time at 3 jobs; Fitness Trainer, Electronic Tech, Deputy Sheriff and I'm studying Mechatronics and IT.
I'm 60 and happily married to Randy. I currently work part time at 3 jobs; Fitness Trainer, Electronic Tech, Deputy Sheriff and I'm studying Mechatronics and IT.
Blessed are the peacemakers.
#prayer #pray #praying #blessedarethepeacemakers #peace #peacemakers #lawenforcement #angel
And don't forget the Brighteon store to support this very platform.

We have created a hub of Made in The USA companies. Shop American!
www.usaproductsonly.comAs Jeffrey Prather would say "Get your head in the game!" No matter who you are, be ready, stay strong, prepare, and never surrender!
@healthnut I'm with you on that!!!
My 60th birthday thoughts during these trying times.

Happy 60th Birthday to me today in 2021. What's on my mind today? THIS. It is the reality. Thus, I'm celebrating simple things today. I get to have a good cup of coffee and we have a warm fire in the wood…
www.nibblesfitness.comHappy #monday I'm happy to go to work. It's a blessing. I don't want a stinkin' $600 government cheese stick. I want to be free to be an American citizen and earn my worth. No freakin' stinkin' cheese sticks.
Happy Sunday from Koneko
#scottishfold #scottishfoldcat #sundayvibes #sunday #cutekitty #kittylove #kittycat
@RobertaSaum link please so we can read the article
Just sitting here sipping my cocoa mojo (from the #brighteonstore ) in the perpetual sunny California
Before we head down the hill for work this fine Monday.
@RobertaSaum Looks like you've got more snow than we do here in Canada! Snow is always gorgeous when you don't have to go anywhere.
@RobertaSaum I blame GloBull Warming!
@heartnsoulr1 It's a work day for us, bundled up and going! From now until spring we get our snow here!
Like Mike said in yesterday's podcast, time to work on Fitness and stuff And I saved some calories for old fashioned homemade organic popcorn
when I get home and some reading
. Happy Saturday night
Let them go in peace, we will stay and fight.
Winning at life.
#winner #wintheday #winning #winningatlife #win #nevergiveup #neversettle
Made my day! I hope you all support this site. Nothing is free. Freedom is not free. There is no such thing as a free lunch!
#brighteon #brighteonstore #supportwhatyouwant #nofreestuff #nofreelunch
@RobertaSaum lots of great products... stay healthy patriots...
We offer clean and laboratory verified nutritional supplements, organic superfoods, organic storable foods and preparedness items.
www.brighteonstore.comYes!!! We must stay healthy, strong, fight, and live!!!!!! And pray.
Focus on what matters. It's not over yet. Freedom is not free. We all have our place of action, however small we are. It matters not that I am a nobody, I am an American. I will stand.
@RobertaSaum A woman with such dedication is hardly a "nobody." The only "nobodies" are the pieces of trash who fill out the government, and its many arms of foul dereliction: CIA, FBI, and all the others. We must develop responses and defenses against their tyrannical mechanisms. We must reject and resist EVERYTHING they have fed to us. Everything. Absolutely everything. It begins here and now.
Agreed. Thank you!
#covid #cv19 #experimental #dontbelivethelies
#freedom #freedomofspeech #freespeech #americafirst #america #keepamericagreat #authentic #authenticity #therealdeal #nofake #nofakery #realaf
And God will come "quickly" that's His time, not mans.
And we shall see His face and his name will be on our foreheads. Rev 22:4
He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him be righteorus still; he who is holy, let him be holy still. Rev 22:11
Rev 22:13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, The First and the Last.
Happy #sunday #worship #revelation #heiscoming #donotfear #childofgod