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For Natural Care, Management & Training Of Horses ~ Based in Somerset uk, on holistic farmlands.
For Natural Care, Management & Training Of Horses ~ Based in Somerset uk, on holistic farmlands.
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Equines have a favourable impact on their ecology because of their unusual digestive systems and free roaming habits. Their digestive systems are relatively inefficient so they must eat a high quantity of food to satisfy their nutritional needs. Horses prefer high quality grasses, like the gamma grasses our prairies once had, but evolution gave them the ability to survive on any type of grass, such as the low quality salt marsh grasses. Wild horses will typically graze down lower quality grasses whose growth could otherwise feed forest fires. Horses are not just grazers; they are browsers who can digest plants, such as shrubs, leaves, shoots, and bark. They will even eat poison ivy and dandelions.
The end result of their high quantity diet is lots of quality manure. It includes the seeds of whatever wild plants they are eating and it enhances soil fertility because it contains a high level of nitrogen. As wild horses roam, they deposit manure all over their territories and it encourages the growth of vegetation. Some research has discovered horse-grazed sites show better grass cover and species richness. When they are fenced or held by humans in too small an area, they can damage their environment. So far, there is no proof free-roaming horses have ever damaged the ecology of their environment. On the contrary, if they are allowed to roam freely in enough space, they will enhance their environment. This fact has been well established in Eurasia.
Native Horse - Trailer ~ Native Horse an inspirational documentary film, explores the profound relationship between Native Americans and the horse from ancient history to modern science. Harnessing the power and beauty of the horse, the film spectacularly illustrates the deep cultural connection that American Indians have and continue to share with Horse Nation.
Western academia argues the false claims that Native horses and horse cultures were imported from Europe. Carbon 14 dating of mitochondrial DNA has been meticulously analyzed by Dr. Ann Forsten, and other experts substantiating the origin of the modern horse in North America 1.7 million years ago. History shared by American Indians dispels this contradiction, citing numerous accounts of vast herds of horses viewed by early colonizers, multiple reports of Native peoples with horses that were recorded by subsequent explorers, well before European horses were said to have escaped from the Spanish. “Native Horse" sets the record straight and works to re-establish America’s wild horses as a native species giving them national protection.
Gentle Healing ~ The Benefit's of Locating in Removing and Repairing your horses Ancestral Identities and Ancestral Memories, including their dead light or miasma which need to be surfaced in view to be completely dissolved and healed I cannot recommend enough. In due of running a busy farm at times, I called on Helen in helping me to heal my horses in giving me a clean canvas in beginning my training with them. Well the instant results were astounding. If your having any issues with your horses as to spookiness, aggressive behaviour or health issues that need any extra support, I do recommend trying also this type of therapy for your horse. Helens prices are also very reasonable giving a three tier option.
A Sports Horse Autoimmune Recovery - In delving deeper into the effects of autoimmune disease we now know one of the primarily root causes is the disturbance of gut health via Glyphosate and much more. In revealing deeper soon on my MeWe blog page I will be posting about my sports quarter horses recovery to full health in using only Homeopathy, Herbs and other beneficial natural health modalities. Most would go down the root of Steroids and medical Antihistamines which would only mask the problem and thus causing further chronic health issues down the line. Well I can assure there are defiantly other alternative options.
Autoimmune disease has become rife not only with humans but also in horses. So why is this? If we are brave in facing the truth! we can all stop suffering including our animals:
" We need nutrient-rich food to build a healthy body and mind. If the soil quality isn’t there, we're simply not going to get high-quality food with the nutrients we need, whether human or horse."
Moringa oleifera ~ A plant native to tropical forests of India, is characterized by its versatile application as a food additive and supplement therapy. Accumulating evidence shows that Moringa plays a critical role in immune-related diseases. The effects of Moringa in treating immune disorders such as eliminating; pathogens, including bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites, including inhibiting chronic inflammation, such as asthma, ulcerative colitis, and metabolic diseases. Additionally, Moringa can attenuate physical and chemical irritation-induced immune disorders, such as metal intoxication, drug side effects, or even the adverse effect of food additives. Autoimmune diseases, like rheumatoid arthritis, atopic dermatitis, and multiple sclerosis. Moringa overall with its multiple immune regulatory bioactivities and few side effects, has a marked potential to treat immune disorders.
How Common Mineral Deficiencies Impact our horses Health
So why are we all so low in minerals horse and human. And one thing’s for sure – modern-day industrial agriculture has a whole lot to do with it, but so does chronic illness (brought on by the nutritional imbalances) and the medications that we all then have to take as a result, as well as insulin resistance and inflammation – something we can all relate to when it comes to our horses.
Including; given that we’re more nutrition-deficient than ever, especially with whole c19 also exposing that we’re under-nourished of real nutrients. It won’t hurt to pay attention to our mineral intake. Minerals are so critical to our biology - by tweaking our nutrition naturally, even in small amounts, can have really profound effects, whether human or horse. Read more:
Parasites & Herbal Worming Recipe And More
This is the most basic, simple homemade herbal wormer that is used in a holistic manner.
Wormwood kill's parasites & eggs. Pumpkin seeds removes both tapeworms and roundworms. And fresh Garlic being an overall very effective general parasite cleanser.
Recipe for herbal worming:
600 g fresh organic garlic
1.5 litre organic cold pressed olive oil
250 g dried wormwood
400g soaked pumpkin seed soaked for 12 hours in cold water.
This recipe makes enough for 3 horses.*New additions to this recipe include 150g of ground fennel seed and 100g ground cloves
Time To Start Waking Up To The Reality Of Radiation!
Horses are among the most finely tuned, exquisitely sensitive creatures on earth. So what happens when you give them all cell phones that also interacts with the horses microchip to wear during a race? They start dropping like… well, horses. On April 29, 2023, horses racing at Churchill Downs began to die during races or suffer such severe injuries during races that they had to be euthanized:
Origanum Vulgare ~ & The Equine Arteritis Virus
Due to questions surrounding the c19 virus many are now turning away from such advance Allopathy Nano-medical intervention's to more Natural approaches, one being Oregano which has proved to be a powerful Anti-biotic. However, No doubt, a cash cow extract will be commercially formulated....
The causative agent of the respiratory disease equine viral arteritis is a small, single-stranded RNA virus with a genome organization and replication strategy related to that of coronaviruses and toroviruses. Clinical signs of infection in horses vary widely and severe infection can lead to pregnant mares aborting. Infected horses generally make good recoveries but stallions may become semen shedders of equine arteritis virus (EAV). These carrier stallions play an important role in the dissemination and perpetuation of EAV.
To achieve antimicrobial/antiviral benefits, for humans you’ll need at least 500 mg dosage four times per day. Typically used is 5 or more drops 3 times a day, the amount of drops depends on the severity of the condition. (In using for horses, you times the dose 3x the human rate).
Video Talk:

Wild harvested Oil of Oregano "Origanum Vulgare" is one of the greatest life changing natural substances I've ever encountered.
NothingsincurableDr. Yvette Running Horse Collins ~ Aspects of Lakota understanding regarding Sundwakan, the Horse Nation
As part of her interview, Dr Yvette Running Horse Collin provides narrative correction regarding the horse in the Americas and introduce aspects of Lakota understanding regarding Sundwakan, the Horse Nation. (Being one with the horse as God intended). See video interview:
Natural Parasite Control
The immune system protects your horse's body against viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, etc. Good horse nutrition is the key to a healthy immune system. Some horses - because of age, chronic infection, poor nutrition, stress, over vaccination, over use of chemical wormers, or over exposure to environmental toxins including, (chemical fly sprays, insecticides and pesticides on their hay) - have a compromised immune system, usually resulting from a stressed or compromised digestive system that leaves them more susceptible to parasitic infestations, viruses and other infections. (Read Full article here);
Nutrition for horses and herbal deworming ~ Radio Talk:
'Do No Harm' ~ Natural Farming is where we must start. The first step we must all take in our effort to farm the land naturally is to stop harming the soil life. This action alone starts the slow journey to recovery. But as we start looking into what this means the sad reality of the situation of our worlds soil starts to hit home. Encouraging a variety of grasses and herbs creates a more sustainable and resilient pasture, which better provides for your horses and other livestock’s wider nutritional needs. And in creating tree and shrub fodder and forage systems extends this diversity further.
Therefore, embracing the ‘Do no harm’ mentality is the only way your soil can recover and start to regain life. It is the beginning of our journey into Natural Farming. Read full article here;
See also;
Hay meadows are grasslands that are left to grow over the spring and summer and then cut for hay.
All living things have an integrated force that maintains and directs life. This is true whether that living thing is human, plant, or animal. This force is a form of energy that underpins all biophysical and biochemical processes, and separates living from non-living matter. This Vital Force is an energy that enables all living things to self-heal or to preserve life by adapting to environmental changes. In the case of the horses body, the Vital Force directs the different body systems to function as a harmonious whole, in much the same way a conductor directs the separate parts of an orchestra to produce a single, pleasing piece of music. See original article in full:
When we consider the whole of man we can even make a further leap……that mass in the universe by definition is matter, matter is substance, the substance of man is cells, and cells can be broken down into compounds, compounds into elements, and elements into tiny particles of energy called electrons, protons, neutrons, and sub-atomic particles held together by an “invisible” force such that what may look like a physical body is merely energy. And according to physics, energy can’t be created or destroyed only transformed from one state to another. When one applies this to the human condition, can we then say that dis-ease, dis-order, dys-function is then only a transformation of energy. ~ Dr. Charlene Lynn Werner; The physics of homeopathy:
The Immune System serves as the body's greatest defence mechanism. Our immune system was designed to detect strange or dangerous substances as they enter the horses body through the digestive system, such as through the skin as in the case of an injury. The body then has a chance to prepare itself to deal with the challenge. In the case of an injectable there is no warning and the immune system can go into panic mode. These shocks accumulate and rather than improving the health of our equines we have compromised the health of them and especially now with the push of 'Nanotechnology' through injections which is a whole other topic. (My personal advice is still to seek out homoeopathic vaccinations, which are given orally and have no detrimental side effects either from shock or from the specific illness targeted). Further information by Dr. Harman
Creating a Diverse Healthy Pasture for Your Horse ~ Equine health (and human health, for that matter) is closely intertwined with soil health. Soil health directly affects plant health and the nutrients available to the plants are absorbed in turn by horses. Healthy soil and healthy horses are, therefore, inter-related. And microbial populations in the gut, called the microbiome, are also beneficiaries of this relationship. Two-thirds of a horse's immune system lies in the digestive tract. It would make sense, then, to learn as much as we can about the horse's digestive system and how we can best care for our horse through his stomach. Dr. Joyce Harman explains in this webinar on how to keep the horses gut healthy:
Spring is here and the Nettles are out! ~ Nettles just happen to be nature’s multi-vitamin bursting at the seams with vitamins and minerals in the perfect balanced ratios. Including were much used as a substitute for horse fodder during the war.
It's Major Constituents are Chlorophyll (very rich source), formic acid (causes stinging), histamine, iron, vitamin C, minerals – calcium, chromium, magnesium, zinc, cobalt, manganese, phosphorous, potassium, selenium, silica.
It's uses as to the following; Anaemia, laminitis, cellulitis, lymphangitis, arthritis, rheumatism, assists healing of all injuries, skin allergies, blood cleanser, spring hair tonic to hasten shedding of winter coat, nutritive.
Because of it’s amazing nutrient profile, dried Nettle can be added to horses feed as part of their general Natural Diet, ½ cup per day for an averaged sized horse (450 kg).