Retired AF officer/warrior. Flew F4 (WSO) and F15. Squadron Commander Combat Forward Air Control. FSU grad, Political Science. Symphony Musician. FSU Marching Chiefs. Grandparent raising grandkids.
"President Joe Biden has claimed repeatedly that his policies have resulted in record deficit reduction and a record number of jobs created. But the truth is that deficit reduction and job creation are a result of the economy returning to pre-pandemic normalcy."
"Meanwhile, despite Biden's claim that he has created 10 million jobs, that job growth is related to people returning to the workforce. Those are not newly created jobs. In fact, as of the latest jobs report, there are only 514,000 more jobs today than in February 2020 before the pandemic."
Jean-Pierre did not answer the questions but instead stumped for Biden and the Democrats. When asked to answer the question, Jean-Pierre repeated her claims, though she cited zero evidence, and then attacked Republicans for passing tax reform five years ago. Questions terminated. It's all LIES people.