My photo image is the true and correct ancient peace symbol.
The CIA controlled Google and Wikipedia 'peace' symbol is actually the death and destruction symbol.
Billy Meier and the CIA from 2006 in the link below.
FIGU links below.
The FIGU, Billy Meier and the Plejaren extraterrestrials
FIGU is an internationally active, non-religious and non-political community of like-minded human beings.
The objective of FIGU is the worldwide dissemination of the truth, together with ‘Billy’ Eduard Albert Meier (BEAM) and the Plejaren extraterrestrials, who are knowledgeable of the truth.
The struggle for the truth is a struggle against lies, untruth and false teaching, which must be led with the means of information and instruction.
The FIGU informs about the truth on each issue, and it allows each human being the right to his or her own opinion.
The FIGU works in no manner and in no tendency towards proselytising and hence not in the sense of ‘searching for and producing followers and believers’.
The Semjase Silver Star Center