While I have a bachelor's and master's in Computer Science and Engineering, I'm also an artist/entrepreneur type with passions in music, sports, history, and food. I escaped the software development world for a decade, starting my own business (a successful restaurant in West Hollywood, CA) for 8 years. Now I live in Vegas (couldn't wait to get out of Los Angeles!).
JUST POSTED: The way people are handling today’s events tells you everything you need to know about their true character

It's truly fascinating. Many patriots, upon seeing Joe Biden sworn in on TV -- nothing but a theatrical production, of course -- have lost their minds and surrendered to defeat. They had hoped that…
www.naturalnews.com@HealthRanger So, Biden signed a number of EOs today. Question: when will the Republicans initiate a law suit against the new EOs and then find a sympathetic judge to setup an injunction to stop the EO until it can be ruled on? Answer: NEVER