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UNC Chapel Hill Alumnus
Biomedical Engineering
Premed Background
Economics Degree
UNC Chapel Hill Alumnus
Biomedical Engineering
Premed Background
Economics Degree
Given where world events are obviously headed, I truly feel sorry for the oblivious masses who don't read alt media websites like mine. They are utterly unaware of what's about to happen, and even worse, they are unaware that they are unaware. EVERY crisis event is a SURPRISE to them, whereas for you and me, these events are all just points on an overarching blueprint plan that we've all known about for years. If you are SURPRISED by any current event, then your world model is really lacking. Absolutely nothing happening right now should be a surprise to anyone who is well informed. Join Brighteon Social (free) to see the best live feeds of breaking news on world events:
This is a REALLY great video - Dr. Jordan Grant explains the total abandonment of actual "science" in the so-called Germ Theory and the covid quackery:
Science, Pseudoscience, and The Germ Theory of Disease - Dr. Jordan Grant (2022 Conference)