Stephen Quayle™ is a nationally known radio host, photographer and author of a number of important books including Breathe No Evil, a primer for understanding bioterrorism, first published in 1996. Additionally he has authored:
Angel Wars - Humanity hangs in the balance, with secret, powerful forces aligned against it.
Giants - Master Builders of Prehistoric and Ancient Civilizations
LongWalkers - The Return of the Nephilim
Member since Aug 2021
COMING OF ANTICHRIST—PART 16: Nations Cross Euphrates River Toward Israel » SkyWatchTV
COMING OF ANTICHRIST—PART 16: Nations Cross Euphrates River Toward Israel » SkyWatchTV
Bible prophecy tells that there will be a force to rival that of the great Führer of the Fourth Reich. The power will come from the Oriental world. John the Revelator was given the prophecy about this…