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You should be growing these 5 sprouts today – your body will thank you later #superfood #goodfood

Sprouts are widely considered to be nutritional powerhouses. Not only do sprouts provide the body with essential vitamins and minerals, but they also offer numerous medicinal benefits linked to immunity,…
www.naturalnews.comJust posted: Situation Update, Sep 3rd, 2021 - Pee on your iPhone? Governments to demand constant surveillance of your blood, body fluids and medication compliance
#Seedstarting indoors can increase your chances of #survival when #SHTF

Starting a small garden indoors will give you a jump for when SHTF, giving you access to all important food supplies, even if you don’t have the space for a large outdoor garden. Seed starting should be…
www.naturalnews.comTry these #Recipes for long-lasting #Amish dishes perfect for when #SHTF

The Amish are a simple, traditional people who live fulfilling, quiet lives off the grid. They also have various recipes that are easy to make and are very delicious. The Amish recipes detailed below are…
www.naturalnews.comAmericans are increasingly living in a country dominated by a few Marxist tyrants in key positions

Leftists are now demanding that physicians who either question the 'accepted science' (not the real science) regarding COVID-19, COVID vaccines, masks and other aspects of the pandemic be stripped of their…
www.naturalnews.comOrganic Functional Mushrooms are so great for your immune system
#healthbenefits #immunehealth #healthyliving #naturalremedies

Support optimal immune health with a potent combination of seven functional mushroom powders now available in a convenient capsule form. Health Ranger Select Seven Treasures Mushroom Capsules offer the…
bit.lyMaintain a healthy #immunesystem with #chlorella
New how-to video posted via PrepWithMike: How to make your own SHIKIMIC ACID extracts using a common espresso machine!
It's the first video in the list at
#MedicinalHerbs offer a viable strategy to stop viral attachment and reduce viral load

A new study investigates the antiviral activity of four plant extracts. Among the plants studied are: green tea (Camellia sinensis), pomegranate juice (Punica granatum), black choke berry juice (Aronia…
www.naturalnews.comThere's no money in #ivermectin, so of course it's being rejected

The mainstream media is lying on behalf of Big Pharma and the medical fascists by falsely claiming that ivermectin is a de-wormer for animals, when the reality is that the anti-parasite drug was first…
newstarget.comMUST HEAR! Red Cross warns vaccines WIPE OUT antibodies and vaxxed can't donate plasma
New how-to video posted via PrepWithMike: How to make your own SHIKIMIC ACID extracts using a common espresso machine!
It's the first video in the list at
BREAKING - BREAKTHROUGH - In our lab, we are now confirming the shikimic acid water extract from Loblolly pine needles, at molecular mass of 174.15. Notice the peak at 1.6 minute in the HPLC elution response at the bottom. The pine needles are LOADED with shikimic acid! Notice the dimer at mass 347? That's due to overload because of so much shikimic... more stories to follow...
Hilarious SU today with a 1-minute featured segment from Richard Pryor! (Wino vs. Dracula)
Situation Update, Sep 2, 2021 - Top FDA vaccine officials RESIGN to avoid prosecution for crimes against humanity
Search Continues for the TWO MISSING Viruses
That Have Suddenly Disappeared
After 100s of Years!
Dr. Derick Knauss - clinical lab scientist, Phd. - Flu cases Plummet During 'Pandemic'
Flu Season 2020 through 2021 = Flu Season 2019 through 2020
1,822 casas 38,000,000 casas

Twisted Sister We’re Not Going To Take It