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#Trends Journal founder Gerald Celente joins #MikeAdams for powerful discussion on #INFLATION, contagion and fiscal annihilation
My interview today on InfoWars with Dr. Richard Fleming. More bombshell information about the covid bioweapon!
We are now living under the "FOURTH REICH" of Nazi philosophy, disguised as "democracy" in America.
It has all the characteristics of the Third Reich: Book burnings (Dr. Seuss), fascist govt. control of corporations, the rise of secret police to weaponize the government against dissenters, government-mandated economic lockdowns, CIA-controlled media disinformation and propaganda, etc.
The Nazis have won World War II. In fact, they took over America:

In his 2009 book entitled, "The Rise of the Fourth Reich," the late Jim Marrs warned about, "The Secret Societies That Threaten to Take Over America." Those secret societies are largely rooted in Nazi…
www.naturalnews.comINSANE things happening with the steel industry right now. We spent $90K on a steel building frame just six months ago for expanding the Health Ranger Store warehouse. That was completed. Now we're trying to expand again. The SAME size building, in steel costs alone, is now $250K. That's just the steel, no concrete or walls or roof or anything.
... and the money printing machine keeps churning under Biden ... no end in sight.
As a Texan, I'm thrilled that Gov. Abbott has ended the mask mandates. But I must ask the question: From where does he think he got the authority to issue a mask mandate in the FIRST PLACE?
His unconstitutional order should have been rejected and resisted from DAY ONE:

On Tuesday, Mar. 2, Gov. Greg Abbott ended Texas's statewide Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) mask mandate. Alongside this, Abbot also allowed all of the state's businesses to fully reopen. Texas is committed…
www.naturalnews.comNew podcast finally posted (we were doing major a Brighteon update / rollout since midnight, and it delayed things):
Situation Update, Mar. 1st, 2021 - The GOP thinks we're too stupid to remember their BETRAYAL. (With a BEATBOX intro!)
I'm DONE voting for the "lesser of two evils." From this day forward, I will only vote for those who 1) Defend health freedom against mandatory vaccines, and 2) Support the Second Amendment.
Don't care about parties, only principles. The Dems are a gang of destructive, demonic crooks, and the GOP is a failed gaggle of spineless cowards who are terrified to do anything useful for America. So disgusted with them both. There is no longer any POLITICAL solution to save America.
Yes, covid vaccines can and do cause facial paralysis. Obviously, the fake news media is covering for the vaccine industry by censoring this fact:
Contrary to media reports, COVID-19 vaccines do cause a paralyzing facial condition

February 26, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – The mainstream media have inaccurately reported that Pfizer’s and Moderna’s new COVID-19 vaccine trials found no potential risk of Bell's palsy, a condition that causes…
www.naturalnews.comNearly 50 million Americans are now vaccinated with an unproven, experimental vaccine that rewrites protein synthesis in the body. Its effects are irreversible. Over the next 18 months or so, we're going to find out how many of these 50+ million people will die from this rushed, dangerous vaccine. These are people who claim to believe in "science," even if the vaccine makers don't!
My dog fell through the ice on my pond tonight. Managed to rescue him with an excavator machine to break the ice and let him swim back to shore. Almost swamped the machine in the pond, but we both got out okay. I will post a podcast w the details. Watch your animals carefully. Many dangers with cold and ice.
Quick update from texas. We are doing well despite the rolling blackouts continuing. Water pressure has been lost for many cities and now includes the health ranger store facilities so we cannot produce new product until eater is restored. Ups and fedex arent picking up or deliverying anything either.
We got our rain water system repaired and running now. Have running water for first time in 3 days. Was living out of buckets of water. Much of texas now without water, and they have few options especially in the cities.
The engineered grid failures in texas appear to be on track to kill more elderly than the covid vaccine. More genocide. First a bioweapon, then lockdowns, now engineered grid down. Cant escape the conclusion this is all intentional.
Many communities in texas now have zero water pressure. Water towers have run out. Not enough power to refill. Ppl all over the state now have no way to flush toilets. Investigations beginning into power grid failures
Texas situation now way worse than any lockdown or hurricane or natural disaster. Feels like living in a post bombed kosovo or war zone, except without the artillery. Infrastructure has crumbled. Roads, water, emergency services, power grid, food supply chain, gas stations etc have all cratered. They will find lots of dead ppl after the thaw.
Long term infrastructure damage to texas will be enormous. Power facilities will need to be reworked for cold weather operations. Green energy has failed, and electric cars only contribute to the unbearable demand on the grid.
Ppl abandoning their homes. Hotels booked solid, at least the ones that have power.
Rolling blackouts now give us as little as 4 min of power every 30 minutes. Just long enough for windows to boot!
Update from texas. Millions here have no power and no water. Most grocery stores closed. Ppl running out of food. Prepping is key. Non preppers in real trouble.