Alternative to government. This show explores the idea of Self Protectorate vs. the idea of Government as the mechanism of state authority. Want to know what a Self Protectorate is and how it can lead mankind into a golden era of peace and prosperity? Then listen up! Let's defeat corruption forever! Promoting righteous change.
Click this link and see these search results on DuckDuckGo: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=Dr.+Rochelle+Walensky+cdc+vaccinated+people+transmit+the+virus&t=vivaldi&ia=web
Shows that CDC director Walensky promised vaccinated people could NOT spread covid. But now she says they CAN spread covid. And she even says fully vaccinated people can have the same "viral load" as unvaccinated people, hence the need for MASKS... which don't work! Folks, it's all 100% CDC bullshit hour on parade... never ends!
DuckDuckGo. Privacy, Simplified.
duckduckgo.com@HealthRanger When the CDC tells the White House and all governments in the U.S. to mask up and that the vaccinations they were pushing are worthless... then you know we are under total medical tyranny! This is total medical tyranny confirmed!