Situation Update, Feb 16, 2023 - Devastating DIOXIN exposure from Ohio train wreck burn will CONTAMINATE food, farms and families for YEARS to come
- DIOXINS are created from the burning of chlorinated chemicals such as vinyl chloride
- Ohio train wreck contained perhaps 1 million gallons of vinyl chloride
- The MOST toxic synthetic chemical known to humankind
- A single drop of dioxin-contaminated rain can EXCEED lifetime exposure limits
- Thousands of square miles of farmland now heavily contaminated with #dioxin fallout
- Dioxins are bioaccumulated in lipids (fats)
- Their half life in soils is 50 - 100 years
- This means all MEAT, milk, eggs, cheese from the area may be too toxic to consume
- Farms, homes and real estate will plunge to ZERO value
- The entire town may have to be condemned and bulldozed
- Exclusive interview with hazardous materials expert