Homesteader. Tradesman. Father to an unbelievable young woman. Husband to the second half of my soul.
So starts another homestead day. I’m sure the grocery shelves in my area are empty. The snow has prompted a run on milk and bread. No doubt the sheep have lost all control of the ability to drive. Panic ensuing.
While my way of life, a return to earth and self coupled with faith and family values may boggle you’re mind I assure you that your dependency upon buildings of stores and government boggle mine.
Now...back to coffee, biscuits, and gravy on a wood cook stove while they cook fear.
@The_Industrialist Gee, where do you live that all your grocery store shelves are empty and you have a run on milk? Not saying it isn't happening. . .nor that it couldn't happen, just wondering where it is happening. I, too, live remotely on a homestead. . .I would never dream of flaunting my good fortune before those who are trapped in a less fortunate situation. I believe encouragement and information is in order during these times
@The_Industrialist Coffee biscuits and gravy cooked on a wood stove sounds wonderful to me.
@The_Industrialist Adults put themselves where they are. It would be naive to believe everyone on this forum believes they should live in the same situation. We all see life through different lenses. God is everywhere and wise people can prepare wherever they are. I find your comment judgmental because you think you are more fortunate than others. God will care for those that love and trust in Him. In any event, have a blessed day. Just another perspective.