Degree Levels in Electrical, Mechanical, Engineering & Sciences. Journeyman, High Voltage Splicer. Builder/Driver of SCORE Trophy Trucks Rock Crawlers until my critical injury. Thus I became Blade & Gunsmiths specializing in building 1911s, AR15s, Precision Bolt Rifles. Nothing has outdone my journey in just Who is Destroying America. Biblical Hebrew roots, Biblical Prophecies including the Regathered Peoples of America. 35 years in the making. Its the SYSTEMS, ITS SKYNET.
1865 2 cent coin found metal detecting.
@DiamondTNT @seriously @intruthofficial @GodIsTruth
Yes amazing. Is it worth a plug nickle asks me?
Yahshua did not sacrifice himself, destroy death, rise again and ascend to make bad men good but to give the dead, life again !!!!
Ye must be born again to even see the kingdom of Yahweh.
Peter as he declared was an Israelite Hebrew from the Southern Kingdom of the tribe of Ben Yasmeen of the 12 tribes of Yar-sha-elohim. Why, Why I ask has not the Catholic church, or any pastor or priest taught such things wonders me. Because they teach the Catechism and not Yahs words.
Roman's 11:1
The Remnant of Yahsharel
I ask then: Did God reject his people? By no means! I am an Israelite myself, a descendant of Abraham, from the tribe of Benjamin.
John 14:6
I am the way, the truth and the light NO ONE(not even the popes of rome) comes to the father(the only father and not any popes) BUT BY ME (nor by miriam who's only a human woman).