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OK, AARP just irritated my last nerve. As a member of AARP I get various publications and a magazine in the mail. The feature article has to do with encouraging elders to get the COVID vaccine, as well as other vaccines. The word, according to AARP, is that there are even more strains of COVID out there and "the elderly" should get their vaccines as soon as possible. I am so sick and tired of these organizations putting out false information particularly today when we have better information and every one knows the COVID vaccines KILL. So while advocate groups of pediatricians are forcing COVID vaxxes on toddlers, elderly people are also targeted to take the shot. I've known that AARP was woke for quite some time. Why has neither Donald, nor Melania been featured in their periodicals? It's a disgrace. I feel like breaking their broken legs so to speak. I really hate this organizations inability to stay neutral for the sake of the elderly population.
I really don't want to know about the JFK assassination. Enough time and investigations have gone by allowing Americans to know what happened. We know Oswald was a patsy and that the CIA, Johnson with mafia help killed Kennedy. We know all that. What I WOULD like to see revealed are the inside documents related to the OK City bombing and 9/11. The American people already surmise what happened in these two incidents. McVey was just a patsy as well, and some say he is alive and well living in Australia. Whatever the truth is, we deserve to have documents relating to these two devastating killings disclosed. We already know who killed Kennedy. Let's get the info for the OK City Bombing and 9/11. If anyone has connections to Trump will you let him know that?
So, I see that everyone here is fine with the OK City bombing and 9/11? Very interesting. Now, I know the make-up of the group of people I'm dealing with here. I'm disappointed. Surely, people must realize that these two incidents were pulled off by the government?
OK, so here comes another truth bomb. To those who hate Israel, let me ask this. Are we so different from the Jews or Zionists? There are people in this country who have sex with babies, animals, drink their blood, abuse them, abort them, and traffic them. Are we so different from the Jews killing children in Gaza? Our government paid for and developed an anti-population vaccine and created a hoax to get everyone to take it. American government kills and imprisons it's political opponents. Are we really so different from the Jews? The FBI are the same as the German Gestapo, and CIA the same as the SS. Most members of Congress become millionaires while in office. Our government steals land and pollutes the atmosphere to limit our food supply. It cut off our source of energy by closing down oil fields. The people in America tolerate sexualizing our children as early as kindergarten with heinous drag shows and literature. Are Americans really so different from the Jews.? We have a President who still feels up young prepubescent girls every chance he gets.We kill our own people, and burn down our stores, steal and loot. To those who have a problem with Israel's fight with Gaza, you need not look any further than your own front door. America is not any different than Israel. We kill and slaughter, and destroy possibly better than anyone, or any country. Taking a better look at ourselves might be in order.
What is developing here are those wannabe preachers and those who want to bash Trump. God holds those who preach accountable for what they say, and I have no doubt that many false preachers will be held accountable by God. "Preaching" isn't citing a few verses from the Bible and then using them to teach hate and political bias. Those who aren't qualified to "preach" shouldn't preach, and those who listen to hate mongering using God's Word as backup are in jeopardy. Only God judges people. If you aren't ordained, or studied, stop preaching your special brand of hate. Just stop it! Secondly, I'm sad to say that this site is turning into a Trump bashing political rhetoric that needs to be fact checked on a daily basis. I'm all for people expressing their opinions, but this, too, is wrapped around lies. Without any replacement, people are bashing Trump. Who the hell do you think is more qualified to run the country? Go ahead suggest someone. No one is going to comment on this post I know it already., because when I get too close to the truth, suddenly the "bashers" shut up. It's OK though. you know what I'm talking about even if you don't want to comment publicly. But, just so you know, I don't buy hateful sermons, and I don't bash the only person who could help save this country. God only knows, the people didn't.
@Thyme1967 I'm assuming you are connecting preaching with distain for Donald Trump. Look, biblically we are commanded to 'go forth and make disciples of all in the world.' That means that even the most basic believer MUST attempt to reach others. (Matthew 28:19-20; the Great Commission).
Be assured, I realize there will be false teachers that shall arise among the flock. Yet, an honest effort is required. Not all that walk the path have the experience needed to traverse without error.
As for Donald Trump, it would appear he means well. Most that criticize his character would fair much worse should they share his shoes. No man is without fault, but courage and determination are often mislabeled as arrogance and pride.
Be of good cheer, for our Father is in control of this all. Make Him proud for at the end of the day, that is all that will count.
@AlexJonesI am not against Alex Jones. In fact, I buy from him and listen to him more frequently than anyone else except for Mike's reports. HOWEVER, today I just couldn't stand it anymore. Alex Jones is a braggart. There are no history books he hasn't read, no sources he doesn't have, no historic studies left undone, no predictions he's missed, no facts he's missed, good Lord, he must have been in rare form today. Alex brags on himself most of the time, and even if I take in consideration that he's selling products and his channel, the bragging is getting out of hand. It has always irritated me that he interrupts his guests when he has them on the show to the point of absolute rudeness. When Alex has guest, I want to hear what the GUEST has to say, not him. Finally, Alex always says he has a lot of news to cover and then never covers most of it. Has anyone else noticed that? Alex' bragging finally got to me today. If Alex were sitting here with me I'd say, "Look, Alex. You've been in the business long enough so that by probability alone you're going to "get it right." I depend on you to tell me the truth about what's going on. I don't need a Curriculum Vitae from you every show. I believe you (most of the time.) So, just shut the hell up about how experienced, and accurate, and narcissistic you are and just tell me what's going on. Thanks." Again, I'm not against Alex Jones, and I will continue to support him, I just wish he didn't come across as P. T. Barnum on a soapbox.
I feel as though I have to say something here. Attempting to assassinate a Presidential candidate is bad enough, but the very idea that people can wish another human being dead is so heinous that it proves America has gone so far beyond human decency that it is now psychopathic. I could never wish another human being dead, or call for their death for political reasons. Who does that? Today, "the value of a single life" is trivialized. We see people being killed in the streets for just being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Some people see nothing wrong in killing an innocent baby, or pushing an elderly person into the path of a speeding subway. We live in a society where life has no value. Our own government invented a bio-weapon intended to kill and maim. Political assassination has been going on for centuries, and I always thought it unfortunate that "taking out" a leader was the only way to make change. But, the idea of people publicly stating "Trump should be assassinated" is by far worse than anything imagined for a people. We need to bring back God's love for ALL of his children, and stop wishing people dead. In my opinion, "wishing" another person dead is the same as pulling the trigger yourself. Our people are corrupted, and sinful, and hateful, and will kill for a penny. This, is what bothers me the most, We are not animals, we're all God's creation, and we need to stop wishing people dead, from a fetus in the womb, to a political candidate you disagree with.
@Thyme1967 Yes, wishing someone dead is sinful. Not only that, but being angry with someone WITHOUT CAUSE is also mortally sinful. ["In my opinion, "wishing" another person dead is the same as pulling the trigger yourself."]
"But I say to you, that whosoever is angry with his brother, shall be in danger of the judgment. And whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council. And whosoever shall say, Thou Fool, shall be in danger of hell fire." [Matthew 5:22]
[22] "Thou fool": This was then looked upon as a heinous injury, when uttered with contempt, spite, or malice: and therefore is here so severely condemned. Shall be in danger of hell fire-- literally, according to the Greek, shall deserve to be cast into the Gehenna of fire. Which words our Saviour made use of to express the fire and punishments of hell.
@Thyme1967 It the same principle as the sin of adultery. You don't actually have to commit adultery to be guilty of the sin of adultery.
"But I say to you, that whosoever shall look on a woman to lust after her, hath already committed adultery with her in his heart." [Matthew 5:28]
@Healthmedicine I was listening to one of your (Mike's) videos today and I was very happy to hear that you can cure (or manage) diabetes, if people would just call you. OK, I'm all for that, so Mike can you let me know what your Plan is to cure diabetes? I don't remember if you actually said "cure", maybe you intended to say "treat". Anyway, I'll take you at your word, and ask you what your plan is to "treat" Type 2 Diabetes. I'm not calling out, I'm generally interested in the advice you have to give. Thanks.
Not sure Mikes answer,
1. Diet (you’re not like everybody else, can’t eat like them)
2. Exercise (aerobic….sweat/
heart rate)
3. Hydrate
4. Medicine - they all have side effects
Eric Berg has the keto diet (limited carbs, crucifer our veggies, kale shake to keep liver healthy)
Intermittent fasting….
I think a sauna also gets rid of toxins,
Macci berry supposed to dump sugar too
If no one is above the law how is it that all of the criminals are in Washington DC in charge? Just sayin'.
Actually, when I think about it, no one is above the law unless you have less than 3 million dollars.Those over 3 million are "exempt from the law." Yep. That should cover it.
I can tell you that Nancy Reagan never permitted Ronald Reagan to be publicly humiliated, embarrassed etc. She pulled him out of the public view as soon as he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, and she ran the country until the end of his term. Jill Biden is an abuser. She's being run by Obama, and the victim is Joe Biden. In my opinion, it's disgraceful for Jill to continue with the charade that embarrasses her husband. They are ALL using Joe Biden and it's horrific.
@Thyme1967 exactly…it’s inhumane. I imagine the level of stress he’s under, as he realises more & more he can’t remember things, nor can he organise his thoughts (whatever those thoughts were - he can’t organise them!).
He is aware he’s failing, one can tell when he keeps saying “excuse me…”
Whatever he has or hasn’t been as a person & I am certainly not a fan - this is cruel.
@_jeffhertzog Let's just hope Donald Trump is President and will stop this.
God Almighty, will someone please take Biden home from the G7? Bumping heads with the Pope? Get this guy out of the public, please.
Somehow I don't feel sorry for Kevin Spacey. Given the pervert he is, I think he deserves what he's getting.
@HealthRanger I've learned that not many people on this site actually engage in actual conversations, however, I'm going to give it a try anyway. It has been rumored, suggested, and conjectured that nano particles et al are being put into our meat. No one seems to be able to give specific information. Who's putting COVID-like stuff in our meat? What exactly are they adding? What brand of meat has it in it? When I read the articles it seems all conjecture to me. I am so hesitant to buy regular meat except "organic" or "pasture raised", and it is getting more expensive by the minute. Is our meat contaminated with COVID particles or not? I'd really like to know, but I would like to have real facts, not opinions or more conjecture. While it is true that posts on this site seem to be short comments, not information sharing, I just thought I'd ask the question to see if anybody really knows. If the meat is contaminated and intended to make us us or kill us I'd really like to know. Does anyone really know?
@timomalum Isn't this a terrible legacy Americans have now. It really ticks me off when I look around me only to see every persons dit, dit, ditting on their cell phones. They aren't seeing LIFE. I am an American, and I truly think Americans suck these days. Just try finding a biological male who is truly honest and kind. Happy hunting.
@timomalum Yeah, Yeah, Yeah......
Sometimes I really miss the golden era of TV. You know, the Arthur Godfrey show and Gary Moore's "I've got a secret" with clouds of cigarette smoke on camera. Who didn't want to be a Musketeer? No, Miss Kitty and Matt Dillion probably weren't doing the wild thing, but we never knew for sure who was. What I wouldn't give for a good ol' Laverne and Shirley, or Alice, or even Happy Days again. What innocent times, when Mr. Ed was the only animal speaking to us. I was always home from the Teen Club on Friday nights at 9:00 to watch, The Twilight Zone, who could miss that? And, of course the rush home from school to see Dark Shadows and whether Barnaby was a vampire. School began with The Pledge of Allegiance and The Lord's Prayer. Even when we were asked to hide under our desks for a drill, we didn't realize or understand what danger there really was. It was an innocent time to grow up and in a way we were all Queen for a Day. I'll tell you honestly my mother could cut a rug better than anyone in front of the TV with Dick Clark and American Bandstand. My love of dancing probably came from her. And, there was the love of God, and goodness. Some of you may be a bit too young to appreciate all of the shows I've mentioned, but in my thoughts, I do miss the simplicity of those days, and TV that was still wholesome, and entertaining. We've lost something important here, and sometimes we need to just be sad and reflective about that.
@Thyme1967 Sister and Brother to your Husband who would think that we’re living in a Twilight Zone now? We used laugh at some of it
Can you remember when Walt Disney came on Friday night? Or maybe Saturday morning "Sky King"? Saturday Morning Movie with Shirley Temple? Cokes were a dime and small bottles 6 cents, Potato chips were a nickle, candy kisses 2 for a penny. Life was good people were good and the government was conspiring against us! Now life is harsh, people are brainwashed, and the government is still conspiring against us! Somethings never change!
No one wants to watch the WOKE Disney anymore. It's taboo.
@timomalum 1984 and 2024. Is someone going to write a novel about us? I hope so.
@timomalum God.
@timomalum Agreed. I think that's part of the reason why they are trying to kill off our generation - because we weren't programmed, we're smart, and love God. They can't succeed if we're still here. I remember what it was like getting up in the morning and not faced with all of the above. Life may not have been perfect, but it was a hell of a lot better than what we have now.
@timomalum It's OK to hate the leadership, but never the people. Look at us, we don't want LGBTQ, or trans, or drag queens, or money to Ukraine, and yet it's still happening. Blaming the people gives leaders a free pass. Hold the real culprit criminals accountable.