Lots of moving parts, passion, high energy. Multi lingual, 80 countries., Naturopath, Legal Organic Cannabis Farmer, Custom Log home builder, Truth Seeker, conservative Patriot, Christian, supported Trump, Military, LEO & restoration of Constitutional Republic. Never MUZZLED (mask) nor otherwise Orweillian. Locked & Loaded, rural living.trying to help empower others!
UH, is voting considered PSYCHOTIC behavior, since to my knowledge our vote counting system remains unchanged?
My fuse is long, am strategic thinking & rare to anger. When someone ask if something doesn't upset me, I'll often shrug & say "it won't matter in 100 years from now" Do you agree that what we are learning, doing & how we are living now, WILL VERY MUCH MATTER !YEARS FROM TODAY? Do you have kids, grand kids? What world do you want to leave them? What are YOU doing to win hearts & change minds, ie the masks, or businesses to open? Should each of us awaken another to resist tyranny?