Lots of moving parts, passion, high energy. Multi lingual, 80 countries., Naturopath, Legal Organic Cannabis Farmer, Custom Log home builder, Truth Seeker, conservative Patriot, Christian, supported Trump, Military, LEO & restoration of Constitutional Republic. Never MUZZLED (mask) nor otherwise Orweillian. Locked & Loaded, rural living.trying to help empower others!
UH, is voting considered PSYCHOTIC behavior, since to my knowledge our vote counting system remains unchanged?
Dr. Bryan Ardis | Hospital Protocols Are Murdering Americans by Prescribing Remdesivir Which Causes Renal Failure

In early 2020 Dr. Ardis lost his Father-in-law because of ill-advised hospital protocols. Since that time, Dr. Ardis has been on a mission to help educate the public about the dangers to Americans, in…