Lots of moving parts, passion, high energy. Multi lingual, 80 countries., Naturopath, Legal Organic Cannabis Farmer, Custom Log home builder, Truth Seeker, conservative Patriot, Christian, supported Trump, Military, LEO & restoration of Constitutional Republic. Never MUZZLED (mask) nor otherwise Orweillian. Locked & Loaded, rural living.trying to help empower others!
UH, is voting considered PSYCHOTIC behavior, since to my knowledge our vote counting system remains unchanged?
How Will the Techno Elite Get Us To Vote for Mass Surveillance? The Bad-Cop/Good Cop Scheme By Wayne Lusvardi

Resist “the instinct to bow down before the conqueror of the moment” – George Orwell, author of 1984 “Our presidential election choices are sizing up as a contest between VP Harris’ continued political…