Just think like a criminal for a second. If you are hellbent on committing violent crime, wouldn't you choose a site where law-abiding people are forbidden from bringing protection. Gun free zones are targets!
@USPatriotsFirst Gun free zones are illegal. Any law in violation of the constitution is null and void (Marbury vs. Maddison Supreme Court 1803). There are no rules with the 2nd amendment. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Why the hell do we have open borders? Newsome should be hung or shot in the head. Biden or who ever that is should also be hung or shot in the head. Where is our military on this open border bullshit. Americans that honor the supreme law of the land should go down to the California border, and start firing warning shots with their guns. If they keep coming, just shoot them dead. That will stop this sanctuary bullshit, and removed corrupt government who does not honor their oath of office.
@USPatriotsFirst Why isn't our border patrol doing this? Have they been ordered to allow illegals just to walk right on in? Their chain of command should be shot for treason. As a disabled Vietnam war veteran I am fed up with this, and thinking about buying a shitload of bullets and going down there. We the people are the government, not these corrupt oath of office violators that need to be arrested and or shot and killed.
@USPatriotsFirst Are you any real patriots with me on this? Are there any veterans that want to go shut our border down, and start removing illegal aliens? My grandfather came from Germany. He went to Ellis Island, learned the English language, passed the test and became an American the legal lawful way. My mother's family are from the Sac and Fox Tribe of Iowa at the Mississippi. I volunteered to join the navy during the end of the Vietnam war. I served my country for six years and got exposed to agent orange and heavy metals poisoning in the navy shipyard, so I can't walk and am using a power chair to get around. It will get me to the border.