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Scanner slert mass shooting
Inhale the documents to prove this scenario and all the pieces fit as well as other operations coming and that are done. Zero is the first I believe this is zero need eyes on the spill and the Elle to c if the divers are still working on the pipeline I have satellite view and air and vessel radar. I'm counter referencing tail numbers and ship I'd with proposed projects in that area. And E.O. with oceanic research. U need a place to drop bigger files and write longer statements for eyes only.
This fault is directly below the diablo canyon nuclear power plant. We need America to learn and stock up in supplies to survive a nuclear accident derived. From the attempt at mass human sacrifice. I began letting my people know this today. The have removed their top general due to me identifying her in a feed yesterday as responsible. They are becoming desperate. And its much deeper than every or any one knows. 720 687 6993 I'm marty it's time to move America and start living.
that are harder to find on similar planets in the federation. The Cabal. The club of rome. The Rockefeller foundation. Higher education. Illuminati. Cern laboratories Penn state Georgia state and many many more. Currently there is a massive oil spill on the west coast. Over a faultline that our government has spent the last ten years clearing sentiment from with large sonic blasts into the seabed. So the oil will easily penatrate into the fault from large oil pipeline being rerouted into the
America between you and no trusted politician there is concern of nuclear proliferation. Our leaders are trying to kill off a large portion of us so that they can make a quota of unbelievable existence. An ultimatum signed years ago by once leaders. This treaty involved the government and the race of people that seeded this planet with our existence. They have been returning on regular basis to collect their bounty and extort our race of precious elements....
Does anyone else find it strange that all though we live in a crazy time in history, almost all the posts on here are just boosts of someone else content. If we have the freedom to talk without censorship why don't more people speak up with there own unique thoughts.
Picture just for attention.
I would love to hear from people how you plan on getting thru this winter.