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Researcher since 2010. Brit/American Patriot, animal activist. Former nurse and ex-music professional. Humanitarian.
Researcher since 2010. Brit/American Patriot, animal activist. Former nurse and ex-music professional. Humanitarian.
@TwistedEagle The young healthy Americans who still have some masculinity need to work out a plan. We keep hearing that only 'we can save ourselves.' That doesn't take into account the many who are sick for one reason or another. And those who are left are sick of fighting, suffering and death. What's left? This is all a twisted reality game for the Elites. Where's the lightening bolt to eliminate them? That is what we need. It seems Christian prayers are not getting through!
@RedWill Holistic practises MUST come back and for doctors to leave the Rockefeller Medical system way behind in the dirt!
@johndolph New study??? really? Deaths of young people have been known from the roll out of the killer C-shots! This began the global genocide.
@TwistedEagle Well of course this lot won't be arrested, but those 'dangerous' Trump supporters deserve to be in jail! This is all so twisted. Water cannons could be used on these marauders! How dare they get away with tearing down the flags!
@RedWill Why the hell can't they just be PRO-HUMANITY! Wars happen when people take sides!
@johndolph USA is doing a great job of getting us into World War III
@TwistedEagle Surely Beirut is already almost in the same condition as Gaza?
@holistic It's time that ONLY the controllers or leaders who want war are the ones who stand there exposed and fighting for whatever stupid reason they want to fight!
It's not as if these brave soldiers are fighting for their families or country. We can see now that when we need military to defend us against the global ghouls, they are not here for us!
@RedWill (Israel government) Especially Netanyahu, is an evil cruel tyrant and has caused the righteous outcry from other nations, Good nations will be against genocide and killing of innocents, babies and children. That's why his own people want him out! Do you think our Heavenly Father wants his children to suffer as the Palestinians are? Do you think he condones genocide?
The 'god' in the Old Testament was a war-mongering god, jealous and sent out plagues regularly. Does that sound like our REAL Heavenly Father?? (Jesus told us Satan rules this world) but the God in the New Testament is NOT the same one written about in the OT.
We are ALL the Creator's children and he does not choose Israel as being his only children.
@RedWill Shouldn't need exemptions from bioweapon killing shots! It's a disgrace everyone concerned with giving these shots is not arrested.
@RaptureChurch Can't wait for the evil ones to feel his wrath!
@timomalum It is indeed an awakening moment, but very depressing also. Who is actually left that we can trust?
@timomalum I agree. Trump does some good things, but then surprises us in other ways which are not good. He also sides with Israel, instead of wanting citizens on both sides to have peace. It seems the thousands of childrens' deaths are not something for him to speak out against. It is sad that he let us down like this, as who else is even a possibility for President and to love America as much as Trump was supposed to? The truth is, government controls, as we need to be free of that.
@timomalum It is amazing how decent people have suddenly lost their minds and don't even think that life is precious! It must be the c-shots or brainwashing, through television, 5G etc.. I've seen so many people who just cannot analyse or even listen to reason anymore.
It is strange and wrong calling you 'godless' for not wanting deaths, unless they are thinking that the God in the Old Testament who was a warring God wanting wars, death and sacrifices was a good god. The OT must have been about the entity who Jesus said was the ruler of this world.
I have read the Bible twice all the way through, but the Old Testament isn't about our Heavenly Father.... Our one is pure love, does NOT want humans to murder or separate themselves, and He has a much higher frequency than the one in the Old Testament. I wish people could see this. They have not been told or taught the truth and it is too late for them to work it out.
Just stick to your guns Timo. It's what Jesus wants of us. Life is precious! That includes other creatures.
@timomalum Yes, they are all creeping out of the woodwork now. People we never expected to think genocide was okay. Don't forget all the animals harmed too.
@MichaelD Elizabeth, did you really need to post this information, as good as it is, so many times? This is spamming when there is so much repetition and also it will make people suspicious that something is wrong here.
The photo was taken nearly a century ago. During a 1932 survey of the Giza Pyramids, archaeologists repeatedly discovered the mummified remains of the giant who helped the pharaoh build the massive structure.
These photos prove that giants existed as early as 2,400 BC.
Archaeologists determined this by examining the personal belongings of these behemoths, which originated from the Mediterranean.
Although the rabbis and the Catholic Church acknowledged that the remains supported the decision to bury the evidence.
"[The WHO] should be declared a terrorist organisation... [It] is more dangerous for humanity than the WEF."
Croatian MEP, Mislav Kolakušić, doesn't mince his words to the EU Parliament.
"It would be healthier and safer for humanity to sign an agreement with the Colombian drug cartel [than to sign an agreement with the World Health Organisation]."

Member of the European Parliament, former judge, non-affiliated activist for the rule of law and fighter against corruption And Trump, RFK Jnr (among other surprising characters) have stuck with Israel the whole time, and EVEN now when they are genociding Palestinians! Can't trust these type of leaders anymore. They are as bad as Lyndsey Graham!