As a certificate Health Coach & Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P) I came to the conclusion that Gut Health & EMF (Electromagnetic Frequency) protection are the cornerstone of good health.
You'll find a lot of helpful articles on my website, as well as EMF protection products and high quality Supplements.
Videos about EMF measurements and protection tips as well as Gut health can be found here: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/exclusivelyholistic
After watching Mike Adam's podcast on the amazing work he did with crystals, I wonder if living hear a cell tower is the cause of tinnitus?!? The medical community has zero answers! Anyone else have this problem?
Tinnitus can be caused by high EMFs. Living near a cellphone tower can cause health issues. For example towers next to a school has caused headaches, nose bleed in a lot of students and teachers. After they removed the tower those issues went away
The best thing is you get an electrosmog meter. I have videos on how to measure RF and MF
Link to my Playlist https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA5Nur41B58O0tORVBzFuekXxLhuTATfX
Link to meters https://exclusivelyholistic.com/can-5g-be-measured-with-an-electrosmog-meter/

Videos in this section show EMF exposure from different devices and solutions how you can protect yourself. Also, videos are listed, that explain symptoms of...
youtube.com@WST Thank you kindly!
I just posted a new video how to measure radiofrequency coming from a cellphone tower. I hope you find it helpful. It will be on my Brighteon channel as well soon. Brighteon channel: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/exclusivelyholistic
Youtube https://youtu.be/EQcB-PC8s30