As a certificate Health Coach & Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P) I came to the conclusion that Gut Health & EMF (Electromagnetic Frequency) protection are the cornerstone of good health.
You'll find a lot of helpful articles on my website, as well as EMF protection products and high quality Supplements.
Videos about EMF measurements and protection tips as well as Gut health can be found here: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/exclusivelyholistic
Paid to parade? The C-17 alone weighs over 400k lbs. How can it bounce like this video? Why aren't the casually jogging "panicky" Afghans getting sucked into the jet engines or at the very least getting blown all over the taxiway. Why are the cockpit windows black - that's not just tinting... Nah. Looks more like a float in a parade.
check out the number on the air plain and read it backwards