As a certificate Health Coach & Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P) I came to the conclusion that Gut Health & EMF (Electromagnetic Frequency) protection are the cornerstone of good health.
You'll find a lot of helpful articles on my website, as well as EMF protection products and high quality Supplements.
Videos about EMF measurements and protection tips as well as Gut health can be found here: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/exclusivelyholistic
Rumble is going public in SPAC deal. Just as I warned would happen. Watch for heavy-handed censorship on Rumble soon. The platform will be driven by profits rather than mission, and it will answer to shareholders who will demand more mainstream advertisers. Those advertisers will demand more censorship. 100% predictable.

— Tremendous growth from 1.6 million average monthly active users in Q3 2020 to a record 36 million average monthly active users in Q3 2021 — 44 million monthly active users in August 2021 —…
Well, I will delete my account there