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"My People Are Destroyed For Lack Of Knowledge" (God's)
When Would The World (NOT) Be Expecting Jesus Christ ? >> If They "Believed" Christ Was Already Here!! (666) Comes Before (777) >> AUTHOR: GOD!
"My People Are Destroyed For Lack Of Knowledge" (God's)
When Would The World (NOT) Be Expecting Jesus Christ ? >> If They "Believed" Christ Was Already Here!! (666) Comes Before (777) >> AUTHOR: GOD!
Gonna be some fireworks on this, folks. Dr. Robert Malone is reportedly suing Dr. Peter Breggin (and other parties you will likely hear about soon) for defamation, slander, etc., demanding $25 million in compensation. The Breggins have posted their writeup of this after having decided to go public with it:
I have reached out to Dr. Malone as well, asking if he is going to be making a public statement about this, or if he will just leave it to the attorneys.
MY WISH is that we could all work out our differences and be civil with each other, but I know that's an impossible ask. The left-wing media is going to have a field day with this one...
Why would Dr. Malone make his claim so large — over 25 million dollars? The effect of what he is doing should be obvious. It threatens us with financial ruin...
www.americaoutloud.comDetermined to completely ruin the entire Star Wars universe, Disney now claims that Obi Wan Kenobi is bi-sexual.

"Padawan," a new Star Wars spin-off novel published by Disney Books, written for teens and young adults, suggests that the beloved character Obi-Wan Kenobi is bisexual.
www.breitbart.com8 minutes of hard truth: The prepared PLAN, the oblivious REACT
WOW: Resurfaced Fauci Admission on Herd Immunity BREAKS THE INTERNET!

Fauci shares some thoughts in 2004."Mauro Biglino is an internationally Bestselling Italian Author, academic, researcher and a highly regarded professional translator. Mauro worked for one of the biggest Catholic publishers "San Paolo" as an official translator of the Bible. He believes that our current understanding of the bible is incorrect, and that the book has been misinterpreted due to mistranslations of the ancient text...."
This is a GREAT tactic. Americans need to replicate this across all the US school districts and get the DEMONS out of our schools!
"Members of Scottsdale Unified School District served surety bonds of $1 million EACH over child abuse, segregation, inappropriate materials"

As parents around the country increasingly become fed up with left-wing hacks running school boards, more are beginning to take action against board members who refuse to listen to reason and respond to…"REALITY" Check >> The "END-TIMES" Started With "CHRIST" >> The "LAST" Generation (Fig-Tree) Of These "END-TIMES" Started May, 1948 >> The WWII Folks Are This Generation (Fig-Tree) And "ALL" SCRIPTURE Will Be Fulfilled Before These Folks Are "GONE" (They Almost Are) >> AUTHOR: GOD!
A Word To The Wise!
"HIS" (Real) 7000 .....................
Photo of the Day
Twitter now says that if you claim "men can't give birth," that's HATE SPEECH.
So the insane, lunatic libtards have finally gone over the edge. Affirming biological reality is now "hate."

The fascists at Twitter recently suspended a politician in Spain for responding to an article about a ‘transgender man’ giving birth by noting that men can’t give birth. He was fo…
The Right ScoopBizarre: CDC Director Says ‘The Last Two Weeks’ Have Shown COVID Vaccine’s Effectiveness
Check out my recent interview with Dr. Cordie Williams, the "Megaphone Marine" - it's all about freedom from medical tyranny!
@HeBeGB The translation to rapture is caught up or snatched away. 1 Thess 4 v 16 - 17 says caught up in the air. In the air seems to be left off in these posts. Christ comes to get His church before the Tribulation. Many examples in the Bible where He saves His people from destruction. The second coming is when He returns to the earth. What you believe about this should not divide us. What view you take is not essential for salvation. Have unity in love for each other.
Exclusive: Roger Stone Responds to Giuliani Raid and More
Check out my recent interview with Dr. Cordie Williams, the "Megaphone Marine" - it's all about freedom from medical tyranny!
@HeBeGB The translation to rapture is caught up or snatched away. 1 Thess 4 v 16 - 17 says caught up in the air. In the air seems to be left off in these posts. Christ comes to get His church before the Tribulation. Many examples in the Bible where He saves His people from destruction. The second coming is when He returns to the earth. What you believe about this should not divide us. What view you take is not essential for salvation. Have unity in love for each other.
Today's podcast finally went live. It's a long one (90+ minutes) covering DEMONS, plagues, UFOs, cyborgs, covid squatters and much more. TONS of important information and breaking news that reveals what "they" have in store for us.
It occurred to me that DJT backing GOP candidates for the 2022 election may not be a good thing. He backed Kemp. Paul Ryan, China Mitch, Graham, Amy Barretta, picked Pence for VP Sessions, Barr and Wray and kept Comey then filled the WH with swamp creatures. How has his judgment changed now to be able to recommend good GOP candidates?
Hitler Quote
"I destroyed 90% of the Jews
and left 10% of them
for the world to understand
....why I killed them."
@HealthRanger Hey Mike at about 29 min Clif is seeking someone to help him find Metal X for creating mag drive. Seems to me you have the skills
(Our country is walking on the razor's edge with God)
** GENDER and GOD ***
Nadler: “What Any Religious Tradition Describes as God’s Will is No Concern of This Congress”
Feb. 25, 2021
Rep. Greg Steube (R-FL) triggered God-hating DEMS when he pointed out that God makes people uniquely MALE and FEMALE
SOURCE - Todd Starnes