Texan, born and raised. My husband and I are Christ FOLLOWERS (or at least the best we can, being fallen sinners, saved by His Grace!) and Lake life Jeeple!
Please go and check out my husband's book.
He wrote a book and is currently working on the sequel and then will work on book
#3 of the series.
It's called The Seed of Babel and is about how the end times are going to be just like The Days of Noah, before The Great Flood. The Bible shows how utterly depraved man had become just before God puts 8 people on an arc with male and female of every animal in creation.
The book is a work of speculative Christian fiction but is dripping with Biblical Truths about how we are currently living in those last days!
It was inspired by works of C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien. It is truly a magnificent story!
@DiamondTNT it's on Good reads.com and BarnesandNoble.com as well as amazon. Thank you for asking!