A few things I learned while growing up
#1 It's right or it's wrong!
#2 A person that will lie to you will steal from you!!
#3 A person that cheats on his family is not to be trusted!
And as a general rule.
A smart monkey don't monkey with another monkey's monkey!!
EXPLICIT LANGUAGE WARNING: Aaron Has A Passionate Message To The Sheeple That Are Keeping This Scamdemic Going By Complying #donotcomply
He's talking to you sheep!!
He articulates what a I feel and think. He is right, time is up to walk around this ppl on egg shells. It’s time to be honest, and call it as is.
I couldn’t have said it better myself .. I choose 2 bite my tongue most of the time
N this case however it may be time that people hear it told to them this way
Maybe they need to be shaken out of their stupor and spoken 2 with full harshness !
I just want this cleansing to hurry up & be over with!
I’m ready 2 quit wasting my life while stupid people are the cause Of this even being perpetrated on humanity
They r stupid because The writing is all over the wall & they can’t see it