A few things I learned while growing up
#1 It's right or it's wrong!
#2 A person that will lie to you will steal from you!!
#3 A person that cheats on his family is not to be trusted!
And as a general rule.
A smart monkey don't monkey with another monkey's monkey!!
Where is the dollar collapse?
Where is the hyperinflation?
Where are the empty grocery stores?
Where are the stalled diesel trucks for lack of oil?
Where are the vaccine teams coming to your door to forcibly vaccinate you?
Where are the death camps they will take you to if you don’t comply?
Notice how the story has shifted; when Trump was in office the overly extreme expectations were often on the positive side, such as:
He will drain the swamp!
He will lock Hillary up!
He will expose the pedos!
He will hold big tech accountable!
He will end fake news!
He will stop the election coup!
He will declassify everything!
And of course none of it happened.
The he shut our country down, fleeced America and gave most to jews, then brought us the deadly vaxx. The deep state would be proud!!