A few things I learned while growing up
#1 It's right or it's wrong!
#2 A person that will lie to you will steal from you!!
#3 A person that cheats on his family is not to be trusted!
And as a general rule.
A smart monkey don't monkey with another monkey's monkey!!
I finally realized what people like Alex Jones and Mike Adams are doing, whether or not they realize it.
They tell the truth but spin it into the most extreme, scary, fear-porn-ish way possible. The effect of this is that once we see how things aren’t really as bad as they were claiming our minds unconsciously accept it. It’s a kind of psychological tactic of normalization via hyperbolization of expectations and the trauma-based manipulation of emotions.
Their job is basically to scare us into thinking the world is constantly going to end tomorrow. This keeps us in a state of fear which de-powers most people, and then eventually just like chicken little saying “the sky is falling!” over and over, the truth in the message loses its potency. We get worn down. We hear horrible things and just accept or reject it without being surprised. Hence: normalized.
alex (bill hicks) is controlled psyops don't know about mike but he worships bill hicks and psyops steve quayle!!