A few things I learned while growing up
#1 It's right or it's wrong!
#2 A person that will lie to you will steal from you!!
#3 A person that cheats on his family is not to be trusted!
And as a general rule.
A smart monkey don't monkey with another monkey's monkey!!
Member since Jan 2021
This is exactly where we are at in this country...like it or not!
People should take heed...not take offense!!

Technopopulism: The Merger Of MAGA Populism And Technocracy
Yes, Technopopulism is a phenomenon carefully and clearly documented in the literature. The naive populist movement (MAGA) is undoubtedly passionate about its cause but largely without a brain. This is…
Technocracy News@kdavis11259
And MAGA stands for 5th degree satanism!! look it up!!