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- Anti vaccines
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Christians and truth seekers from Maine.
- Anti vaccines
- Pro Jesus
Christians and truth seekers from Maine.
Crazy woodpecker
Over the last few days a woodpecker constantly off and on has been pecking away at my Beware of Dog sign attached to a tree. I have chased him away several times but he keeps coming back! The emf waves and substances sprayed from the chemtrail planes has turned the poor bird insane!!
Hello! Looking at taxes and inflation reminded me of something Lenin once said. “The way to crush the bourgeoisie (middle class) is to grind them between the millstone of taxation and inflation”. Everything is planned out! Albert Pike in the late 1800 hundreds laid out a plan for three world wars. The now deceased Bill Cooper said in 1992(?) that Israel was created to start WWIII. Albert Pikes plan for the 3rd world war was to get Israel and other mid eastern countries to start a war. The rest of the world will choose sides and some will get involved. Amazing how it is all playing out. God spoke to me many years ago and said, Death and destruction cometh, death cometh, death and destruction cometh, destruction cometh. It is time to prepare for extremely hard times. Seek His face continually!! Trump is not the answer. God is the answer!
Hello! Like to comment on Israel. In the book of Revelation there are 7 letters to the churches. In 2 of the letters it commends the believers for exposing the so called Jews as being of the synagogue of Satan! In chapter 11 it indicates the nations will trample Jerusalem for 3 and half years. The Israel government reads the Talmud not the old testament. They have replaced God with themselves. I heard a rabbi say worship all Jews not just one. That one they are referring to of course is Jesus. To me they are currently of the synagogue of Satan!
Well I think NASA did a great job of warning the moon not to attack the sun ever again. Those three missels were a warning!!!! But seriously 34 trillion in debt and we send three missels into space! What kind of data are they gathering and how much did this cost! And what was CERN really trying to accomplish! How much did that cost! I think the eclipse is a sign from God and they did it during the eclipse to mock Him or to say no we’re in control. The governments did a great job hyping it up or were they told something might happen? Pray, read the Word and talk to Him often, because it’s only going to get worse!
One last time. Anyone else from Maine?
Hello everyone. Just curious if anyone else out there is from Maine?
@johndolph Amen!!
Hello to everyone! I keep hearing about the antichrist coming soon and I agree. However I think the two witnesses will come first. The scripture says the Holy City (Jerusalem) will be trampled by the nations for 42 months. The beast will then kill them and after 3 1/2 days they will come alive and then ascend up on high. This current war could see the defeat of Israel and the nations coming in to occupy!! Then the two witnesses will come on the scene.
Any thoughts anyone?
Good morning everyone! Instead of climate change, I call it climate engineering. In April 1997, Bill Cohen working for the Clinton Administration, went to an anti-terrorist conference. At that conference he said “Others are engaged in an eco-type terrorism, whereby they can altar the climate, set off earthquakes and volcanoes, remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves”. And of course there are hundreds of US patents to change the weather. Remember call it what it is. Climate engineering!!
@drparslow Yes indeed. Come and be reconciled with your Creator!!!
@johndolph Thank you for sharing this. I agree completely!
The fourth reich is present around the world. Instead of burning books, they ban people from websites etc. Hitlers third reich had people arrested for saying the”wrong things”. The US, Canada and Europe are the fourth reich! They now are arresting people for saying what they don’t like. I believe the evil that is going on will be revealed and those implementing and involved in the evil will be revealed as well. Then God’s prophecy will begin to unfold and judgement begins. The arrogant elite want to get rid of what they call useless eaters. That is all of us. I say it is time to get rid of the useless leaders.
This year I tried an old Indian method of planting our garden. Plant beans, corn and squash together. We have gotten a lot of beans. 15 jars of cooked beans. And 16 jars of dilly beans. The corn is 10 feet tall. (See photo below). The corn isn’t quite ready yet. Anyway just thought I’d post a success we had this year.
I have some good news. My wife and I love Alison Krause and Union Station. I was thinking today about their song. You can’t always trust happiness. It happens to us all. Things are going well and suddenly something happens. Or we get bored, emotional etc. Well government tries to “offer help”. They always fail. They invent problems to get our money and votes as they of course somehow will solve the problem. We believe that is what Jesus Christ came and offered Himself up for us!!! This is good news. If you have thought about it but haven’t acted on it yet, please reach out to Jesus and be reconciled to your creator!! He will bring peace beyond understanding and joy unspeakable to your life!!!
@MichaelD Agree whole heartedly!!!!
Good morning! I’m tired of leaders that promote the new world order and depopulation. One objective of theirs is to get rid off useless eaters, which includes me and you! I would love to see a movement get started to get rid of useless leaders!!!
@MichaelD please anyone who has not knocked on Jesus door, please do so ASAP!
@MichaelD Love this scripture. Thank you for sharing it.
@MichaelD Amen!!!
@MichaelD Perfectly done!