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Was the catastrophic, deadly fire in Maui, Hawaii started by a #climate cultist trying to blame climate change for more disasters? No way to know for sure, but we've seen MANY cases of left-wing arsonists caught trying to start wildfires, which the left-wing media blamed on "climate change." Remember, there's NOTHING these lunatics won't do to terrorize the planet into obeying their climate cult agenda...
https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/ This guy explains how all of the chem trails have polluted the air and soil with toxic chemicals and metals that they use to try and block out the sun. But instead it is creating massive fires floods and droughts messing with natures ability to heal itself. Stop Chem Trails Now Stop Cloud Seeding Now! @HealthRanger

Click To Open Each Presentation / Video Click Here To View Our Just Released Groundbreaking Documentary US Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Dane Wigington: Is Climate Engineering Real?…
Geoengineering Watch"This guy" is Dane Wigington. Dane has established himself as quite an expert on geo-engineering after spending the past 20+ years studying it. He's well known n respected.