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Salt_Grains is @Fready on Gettr & Truth
SaltGrains on Rumble
Forget YT, fb, they R abandoned.
Salt Grains handle on twiXer.
Salt_Grains is @Fready on Gettr & Truth
SaltGrains on Rumble
Forget YT, fb, they R abandoned.
Salt Grains handle on twiXer.
BREAKING FOOD NEWS: Aluminum foil found to release ALUMINUM into food. Several years ago, I tested aluminum foil brands for heavy metals such as lead, nickel, cadmium, etc., and found that RECYCLED aluminum foil contains by far higher levels of toxic heavy metals! So if you use aluminum foil, use NEW (non-recycled) aluminum foil to minimize exposure to heavy metals, beyond the aluminum itself. Here's the story:

Under certain cooking conditions, aluminum foil will release higher levels of aluminum particles into food. While these slight increases in dietary aluminum do not cause acute health problems, long term… We put PARCHMENT PAPER between the foil and the food, Especially when wrapping up potatoes for baking. !!
There's enuf aluminum raining down from above as fallout already.
@HealthRanger @OceanBlue
Where's the report on parchment paper as U say ?
Or is it a nice Joke.
If Kamala is elected (or cheats her way with a rigged mail-in vote), she will 100% weaponize the DOJ to criminally prosecute people for free speech, including university students, church pastors, political analysts, journalists and podcasters. Anyone who criticizes the government regime will be arrested and jailed, just like Abraham Lincoln did to journalists during the civil war. And just like Zelensky has done for the last 2+ years in Ukraine. Vote for #Trump if you want to save America from tyranny, even if you don't completely agree with Trump on every single issue.
BREAKING FOOD NEWS: Aluminum foil found to release ALUMINUM into food. Several years ago, I tested aluminum foil brands for heavy metals such as lead, nickel, cadmium, etc., and found that RECYCLED aluminum foil contains by far higher levels of toxic heavy metals! So if you use aluminum foil, use NEW (non-recycled) aluminum foil to minimize exposure to heavy metals, beyond the aluminum itself. Here's the story:

Under certain cooking conditions, aluminum foil will release higher levels of aluminum particles into food. While these slight increases in dietary aluminum do not cause acute health problems, long term… We put PARCHMENT PAPER between the foil and the food, Especially when wrapping up potatoes for baking. !!
There's enuf aluminum raining down from above as fallout already.
@HealthRanger @OceanBlue
Where's the report on parchment paper as U say ?
Or is it a nice Joke.
BREAKING FOOD NEWS: Aluminum foil found to release ALUMINUM into food. Several years ago, I tested aluminum foil brands for heavy metals such as lead, nickel, cadmium, etc., and found that RECYCLED aluminum foil contains by far higher levels of toxic heavy metals! So if you use aluminum foil, use NEW (non-recycled) aluminum foil to minimize exposure to heavy metals, beyond the aluminum itself. Here's the story:

Under certain cooking conditions, aluminum foil will release higher levels of aluminum particles into food. While these slight increases in dietary aluminum do not cause acute health problems, long term… We put PARCHMENT PAPER between the foil and the food, Especially when wrapping up potatoes for baking. !!
There's enuf aluminum raining down from above as fallout already.
A very dark topic today, but it needs to be exposed:
Brighteon Broadcast News, Sep 6, 2024 – DEVASTATING truth about the SATANIC partnership between the ABORTION and VACCINE industries
- Satanic Partnership Between Vaccine and Abortion Industries
- The Spiritual War and Child Sacrifice
- The Role of the Vaccine Industry in Harvesting Organs and Tissues
- Vaccine Ingredients WI-38, MRC-5 and More
- "Medical Cannibalism" - Injecting the Blood of Murdered Babies Into Living Children
- The Collapse of Civilization Under LGBT "Values" that Destroy the Family
- The Samson Option and the Future of Israel
- The Role of the American Medical Association and the Caduceus Symbol of the Serpent
- Ancient Israeli Tribes that Turned Against God Suffered Collapse
- The Importance of Prayer and Repentance
I think that in order to stop school shootings carried out by 14-year-old boys, we should immediately HALT ALL GUN SALES to 14-year-old boys. ... Oh wait. There are no gun sales to 14-year-old boys. No gun dealer, private or commercial, would ever make such a sale, as they would lose their FFL (license) and probably be federally prosecuted. Turns out more gun laws won't stop shooting tragedies carried out by 14-year-old boys. Perhaps we should try not medicating them with mind-altering psychiatric drugs? Or stop hypnotizing them with demonic content through Hollywood and pop music?
BTW, the reason God has so far failed to win over the hearts and minds of most people is because he gave humanity FREE WILL. And with that free will, most people have been lured into being morons, or evil, or corrupt, or complacent, because they made CHOICES along the way that led them to that intellectual laziness. It's incredibly easy for people to become evil. It takes deliberate focus and effort, on the other hand, to be GOOD people.
Because so many people keep asking, YES, I am:
* 100% unjabbed for at least 25 years.
* ZERO prescription medications.
* NEVER took a covid swab / PCR test.
* NEVER smoked pot and don't intend to start.
* NEVER used recreational drugs.
Not judging anybody who has done one or more of these, just saying that my discernment has told me to stay from from ALL these things. I've seen too many lives destroyed from drugs, medications and jabs. No thanks.
Hilarity of the day: X executives whining about Brazil's courts banning X across that entire country while, at the same time, X bans links to Brighteon dot com and shadowbans conservative accounts in America WITH NO DUE PROCESS WHATSOEVER. @ElonMusk needs to stop complaining about censorship until he stops censoring on his own platform. The hypocrisy is getting old...
Brighteon Broadcast News, Aug 28, 2024 – Only TEAM TRUMP can stop RUNAWAY GOVERNMENT VIOLENCE against We the People
- The Importance of Pro-Humanity Unity and American Values
- The Demise of the Democrat Party
- Threats, Tyranny and Coercion from the Left
- The Importance of Voting and Free Speech
- Interview with Rep. Michael Cloud: The Role of Congress and American Values
- Balancing Personal and Public Life
- The Importance of Core American Values
- The Role of Congress in Protecting American Values
- The Impact of Government Overreach
- The Threat of Central Bank Digital Currencies
- Sermon: Mark 13 - Christ Warns Humanity about Fifth Generation Warfare
If you are an American, the greatest threat against your health and your life isn't COVID, nor West Nile, nor Zika, EEE, Ebola or any other plandemic. The greatest threat against you comes from your own corrupt federal government, which relies on violence, aggression, threats and coercion to get what it wants. Your government attacks you with bioweapons, wages war on your psyche with propaganda, carpet bombs your lungs with chemtrail spraying, approves the spraying of your foods with toxic chemical cocktails based on chemical weapons, grants medical monopolies to toxic chemotherapy and vaccine bioweapons, all while openly encouraging violent illegals to take over your cities and neighborhoods while defunding police. There is no threat against your life and future than the threat posed by your own federal government. We are very fortunate to have people stepping forward who plan to halt government violence against the people. The names of those people include Trump, Vance, RFK Jr., Shanahan and many others, hopefully to include Paxton as AG. Our government should SERVE the people, not THREATEN the people. It's time to turn this around.
EMERGENCY COMMS REMINDER: There's a good chance the deep state will invoke the so-called "internet kill switch" before the election. All websites that they don't allow to exist will be taken offline simultaneously by shutting down DNS (Domain Name Servers). This will take ALL your favorite websites offline, including Infowars, Natural News, Brighteon, X, Rumble, etc. We released an emergency backup distributed social media content solution earlier this year called which runs on a distributed peer-to-peer blockchain structure, with no central servers. When you download and install the app ( it BYPASSES DNS and can fully function even after the internet kill switch is activated, as long as you have ANY access to bandwidth. It's built on the Bastyon backbone. Windows tried to block the app by popping up warnings when you install it. These are false warnings. The app is a P2P distributed content system for emergency comms, and it can survive a nuclear war as well as extreme global censorship. Follow my username there which is "healthranger" in order to receive emergency comms from me if other social media sites are taken offline, which seems increasingly likely. The arrest of Telegram founder Panel Durov is just the beginning of what's coming. The globalist criminal cabal is going to carry out a massive false flag attack, combined with a takedown of comms they don't control. Prepare now or be cut off. My Telegram is RealHealthRanger

A Revolutionary anti-censorship decentralized publishing and social platform. Based on the blockchain technology, it runs on a set of computers around the world, not controlled by any single entity. Self-policed…
brighteon.ioRFK Jr., Donald Trump and Elon Musk all used to be Democrats. The total corruption, criminality and hate of the modern-day Democratic CULT is what pushed them out and brought them together under the "R" label. But it's not about one party vs. the other, it's about HUMANITY achieving freedom the left-wing tyranny, authoritarianism, censorship, death jabs and economic destruction. A vote for Trump is a vote for human freedom, sanity and real hope for a positive future. A vote for Kamala is a vote for tyranny, death and destruction.
I will be publishing a special podcast message to all RFK Jr. supporters on Monday. It will be well worth hearing, and a message of unity and positivity. Will post a link here.
To find out why I apologized to RFK Jr., listen to my podcast today (below). Clearly I underestimated his heart and his commitment to human rights. Although I’ve long been a fan of RFK Jr. and once called him an “American hero,” I also said other more critical things in the last 10 months that I now regret. That’s why I’m setting the record straight today. We all make mistakes. It’s important to correct them as soon as we are able. RFK Jr. makes me believe in America again. He gives me hope for our shared future. Listen here:
Do you have a wild prediction about what's coming? Here's my wild prediction: That on election night, the Democrats and left-wing media will conspire to literally just FAKE THE NUMBERS. They will announce Kamala to be the winner, totally gaslighting the nation, even before the polls close in some states. But it won't take very long for their numbers to be revealed as a total fraud, and the whole thing will flip to Trump. I call this the "Great Scare" followed by the "Great Reveal." Grab your popcorn... it's gonna get toasty!
Recognize what you are watching. Days after the assassination attempt on Trump, where Trump's "Fight! Fight! Fight!" heroic response was dominating the news headlines, the largest IT collapse in history (Crowdstrike) was unleashed to change the news headlines. Fast forward a few weeks. As the corporate media is fawning over the wholly inauthentic DNC convention, Trump and RFK Jr. roll out their tag team announcement that nullifies the entire media celebration of the DNC. What you are watching unfolding is NARRATIVE NEUTRALIZATION in the info war, with much more yet to come.
ELECTION ALERT: RFK, Jr. TRANSCENDS politics with historic announcement
- RFK Jr's Endorsement of Trump and His Campaign Against Big Pharma
- RFK Jr's Exclusion from the Democrat Party and His Potential as a Presidential Candidate
- The Importance of RFK Jr's Endorsement and Its Impact on the Election
- The Need for Transparency and Accountability in Government
- The Importance of Faith and Spirituality in the Fight for Freedom
About a month ago, I said here that the key events which would shape this election have not yet happened. RFK Jr's endorsement of Trump and his dropping off the ballot in swing states is a monumental, historic event. But it is not the last event. I predict that both the Deep State Dems and Team Trump still have at least one major surprise to roll out before Election Day. The Dems may also attempt to cancel the entire election with a ginned-up false flag event of such enormity that it blows up in their faces, sending Trump support into the stratosphere.
Brighteon Broadcast News, Aug 23, 2023 – Together we can SAVE AMERICA from those who actively seek to destroy her
- RFK Jr's Political Maneuvers and Potential Endorsement of Trump
- The Radical Left's Threat to America
- Ukraine Outlaws Orthodox Church
- The Importance of Decentralization and Self-Reliance
- Weight Loss Drug Linked to Suicides
- Mike Adams interviewed by Roger Stone
- Sermon #026 - Mark 1-4 Jesus activates God's healing miracles in us all