- Bioinformatic
- Personalized medicine
PhD, Biological Microprocessor SynBioInformatics community lab in the cloud http://leukippos.org, Apple developer
Bombshell Pfizer Admission, Is the Narrative Crumbling?
It was never about data or science; it was about following the top-down script they had from the beginning. And this recent admission by a Pfizer executive proves it would be called out as fraudulent in any other industry. So how have they managed to pull the wool over so many people's eyes?

The jab was created at the 'speed of science,' but at what cost? Read here to learn the consequences of their actions.
articles.mercola.com@gerdmoebehrens Cain that killed Abel. Not The Spirit of God, Power that created the Sun, and is pure love. The very Word of God is in you right now if you have the Holy Spirit of God. Put yourself in Charlton Heston's place. Read this with the same emphasis as a Story teller. What do you have to fear, but of being unaware of this great power, wisdom, word of God. This perfect pure holy love that cleanses our minds and physical bodies makes our minds full of light of the knowledge wisdom of Almighty God. Makes us whole Again, healthy and Free. Quiet your soul daily for hours. Find God's Spirit within you: love, power, and a sound mind.
1 Peter 2:
9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal Priesthood, an holy nation, a people set at ***liberty***, (Free), that ye should show forth the virtues of him that hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. https://www.bitchute.com/video/rDhaB5RxqllJ/