Constitutionalist American Citizen , veteran , father , grandfather , and self taught mechanical engineer .
Global Surveyor
Just now(edited)
Notice how many times this treasonous seditious RAT says Democracy
This is a Constitutional Republic
️And a Democracy is two wolves
and a sheep
on what’s for dinner
. It is a FAILED THEOLOGY and MOB RULE. A constitutional republic is RULE by LAW. And because of the inherent instability of democracy’s, due to almost HALF of the population is kept dissatisfied. Which always leads to revolutions and insurrections. This constitution is the most neutral contract a human being can have with another. The SOVEREIGNTY these socialist democrats want steal is to create the circumstances for something like the The Soviet Union can be born, HERE. And this is why they HATE the RUSSIANS
so much, because they’re orthodox Christians
. And because they know who funded the Soviet Union. WALL STREET and other elites from the west funded that entire coup and murder of the Russian royals called CZARS. Millions of Russians who wound up in GULAGS, in where many died, just for having a different opinion then the party line. Don’t forget folks that NO ONE went to prison for those crimes, and the west is very nervous
about Russia’s
having more influence in the world. This is why they need to push for Democracy which always leads to TOTALITARIANISM. Which a prime example of this recently made itself clear with the BIO-WEAPON called COVID-19 mandates, and a virus
<iframe id="odysee-iframe" style="width:100%; aspect-ratio:16 / 9;" src="https://odysee.com/$/embed/@RT:fd/biden-speech_1:d?r=J6RyZBAf3sjBG7EFZ77p16XktDabSt8i" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Freedom over censorship, truth over narrative.