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Secret Service Dir Kim Cheetos handled her Congressional grilling as well as you'd expect.
The SS Dir during the Ronald Reagan shooting quit, but Cheetos is too special for that.

ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero
www.zerohedge.comLooks like DEI hire Betty Crocker was in charge of planning the Secret Service security scheme in Butler, PA.
It appears that Thomas Crooks could've practiced at up to a 175 yard range at the Clairton Sportsmen's Club of which he was a member. It was a 20 minute drive from his house.
According to George Webb this is a place where the Feds routinely practice Presidential assassination drills. If that's true, it would make it a convenient recruiting ground for a President shooting patsy.
The moment Thomas Crooks backed down the cop who peeked over the edge of the roof at the OPPOSITE end of the building!
New video of Thomas Crooks seems to affirm that he was wearing a light grey hoodie before taking the roof.

New footage has been released of Thomas Crooks walking around and looking up at the roof before he attempted to assassinate former President Trump.
x.comSo we need to know how many shell casings were found on the roof and how many rounds were left in the rifle if any.
Doubtful that the FBI report will be made public unless falsified.
Crooks had 15 seconds to spray the crowd indescriminately if he was truly bonkers. A Deep State toadie would be instructed to shoot only Trump because in the audience would Deep State planners and associates of planners who came to goulishly gawk at the assassination show.
Butler, PA rally
This remarkable video shows that shot 1, may have not only pierced Trump's ear but also struck a spectator in the stands (see Peak Prosperity video) but then additionally pierced a hydraulic line on a nearby forklift causing violent release of hydraulic fluid and the forks to lower. Personally I think this unlikely for a single bullet.
Apparently I'm effing blocked here as well.
Well, here's a map of a plausible alternate sniping position at the Butler, PA Trump rally.
It's about 1171ft away.
What happened to John Parker, the bodyguard who abandoned his post outside of Abraham Lincoln's private box the night he was assassinated?
"Only one man, an unreliable Washington cop named John Frederick Parker, was assigned to guard the president at Ford’s Theatre on April 14, 1865."
"...Later, Parker committed an even greater folly: At intermission, he joined the footman and coachman of Lincoln’s carriage for drinks in the Star Saloon next door to Ford’s Theatre.
John Wilkes Booth entered the theater around 10 p.m.. Ironically, he’d also been in the Star Saloon, working up some liquid courage."
"...Parker knew that he had failed in duty. He looked like a convicted criminal the next day.” Parker was charged with failing to protect the president, but the complaint was dismissed a month later. No local newspaper followed up on the issue of Parker’s culpability. Nor was Parker mentioned in the official report on Lincoln’s death. Why he was let off so easily is baffling." --
"BAFFLING!!!" Now where have we heard that term before?
Translation: "Baffled™" = Deep State or Big Pharma influence causing the complicit to feign ignorance and cluelessness.
Different century, same criminal sh-t!
They never go to jail. When you do as you're told to facilitate a Deep State crime, you always get off.
The good Americans just sigh and bicker but ultimately do nothing to stop it.
What happened to Officer John Parker, the man who chose the wrong night to leave his post at Ford's Theatre?
www.smithsonianmag.comNew reports reveal that the popular video of Secret Service Counter Snipers on the roof to Trump's right only showed the North Barn team and that it was actually the South Barn team that was finally able to get eyes on the shooter Thomas Crooks and take him out with a single shot. The North Barn SS officer at the gun was flinching since he thought he was being fired at. His view of the shooter was obscured by a tree.
He's just playing golf mate! No worries.
"Thomas Matthew Crooks was perceived by the U.S. Secret Service as a “person of interest,” not yet a “threat” after law enforcement saw him acting suspiciously and determined he had a golf range finder, according to Secret Service Spokesman Anthony Guglielmi."

U.S. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle’s office says she will not step down as the agency’s director after top Washington lawmakers have called for her removal following an assassination attempt…
www.foxnews.comYou're Kim Cheetos in charge of protecting a highly threatened target at a public appearance and you know that a perfect sniper perch 130 yards away is unguarded. You also know that a shifty "person of interest" is skulking about nearby. What do you do?
.Deep State dirtbags never resign. They get promoted.
"U.S. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle’s office sent a statement late Wednesday that said she will not step down as the agency’s director after top Washington lawmakers have called for her removal following an assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump."
Not taking responsibility and firing herself means that she doesn't take it serious and if she doesn't take it serious, that means she doesn't consider Trump worthy of life.
Turns out Abraham Lincoln was killed by the Deep State of his day. Washington DC has been a cesspit of criminality long before our great grandparents were born!
Exploding the Official Myths of the Lincoln Assassination.
Exploding the Official Myths of the Lincoln Assassination - Kindle edition by Perloff, James. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note…
a.coShortly after saying that he would only quit if he had a medical problem, Biden tests positive for COVID
How close was Tony Fauci?

President Biden has tested positive for COVID-19. He will be returning to Delaware where he will self-isolate and will continue to carry out all of his duties fully during that time, the White House said.
www.foxnews.comIt wasn't 26 minutes! It was over an hour!
Tarred, feathered, tied to a pallet, and drugg out of town by a scalded donkey. Who needs that?
Cheetos and Myorcness.
A scathing indictment below.

The Secret Service is facing heightened scrutiny in the wake of the assassination attempt against former President Trump, in which the shooter was allowed to bring a rifle onto a nearby rooftop in broad…
www.foxnews.comSovren Media is super fast but there's almost nobody there.
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