The existence and function of epigenetic heredity factors such as the cell membrane with its sugar code and bioelectric code provide cogent evidence against Neo-Darwinism.
"Jonathan Wells: Biological Information Beyond DNA, Pt. 1"
"Casey Luskin talks with Jonathan Wells about his article, “Membrane Patterns Carry Ontogenetic Information That Is Specified Independently of DNA.” In this first of a series of interviews, Dr. Wells gives an overview of his article, explaining why DNA information in an embryo can only do its job in the context of spatial information that is specified independently of it."
"Jonathan Wells: Biological Information Beyond DNA, Pt. 2"
"Jonathan Wells: Biological Information Beyond DNA, Pt. 3"
"Jonathan Wells: Biological Information Beyond DNA, Pt. 4"

On this classic ID the Future, Casey Luskin talks with Jonathan Wells about his article, “Membrane Patterns Carry Ontogenetic Information That Is Specified Independently of DNA.” In this first of a…
ID the Future