Living in the national capital area of Canada, which is Ottawa, Ontario
Click this link and see these search results on DuckDuckGo: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=Dr.+Rochelle+Walensky+cdc+vaccinated+people+transmit+the+virus&t=vivaldi&ia=web
Shows that CDC director Walensky promised vaccinated people could NOT spread covid. But now she says they CAN spread covid. And she even says fully vaccinated people can have the same "viral load" as unvaccinated people, hence the need for MASKS... which don't work! Folks, it's all 100% CDC bullshit hour on parade... never ends!
DuckDuckGo. Privacy, Simplified.
duckduckgo.com@HealthRanger I think that the surprise here is not that they are peddling pure BS, but rather, that most people STILL do not see it!! The blatant lies are in your face and the masses STILL follow the psyop! They now are grooming everyone to take on the anti-anti-vaxxer stance so they can justify rounding everyone up and segregating the unvaxxed from society!