Living in the national capital area of Canada, which is Ottawa, Ontario
Member since Aug 2020
Closer and closer... "The Blue" better start figuring it out pretty damn soon...
New Hampshire Governor Sununu Brings Close to 80 State Troopers to Public Meeting with 150 Constituents - 9 Citizens Selectively Arrested (VIDEO) https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/new-hampshire-governor-sununu-brings-close-80-state-troopers-public-meeting-150-constituents-9-citizens-selectively-arrested-video/

New Hampshire Governor Sununu Brings Close to 80 State Troopers to Public Meeting with 150 Constituents - 9 Citizens Selectively Arrested (VIDEO)
Republished with permission from Ken Eyring at Granite Grok on a meeting that took place on October 13th Why is NH Governor Sununu NOT UNDER INVESTIGATION? I do not write the following lightly. Especially…
The Gateway Pundit@Ronan_One Everyone needs to pay attention to THIS! Watch the videos!