I know I am not alone tonight in the heavy heart feeling. Holding out hope for so many weeks that all of this horrible fraud will end and justice will prevail. I want to believe and am holding on to these last few hours of hope, but I just do not know what to do with these feelings, except of course, to give it to God, where it has been all along.
@imhistory Don't set time limits. It's not over till GOD says it's over! We walk by faith, NOT BY SIGHT! Don't try to put God in a box, He doesn't fit!
Seriously, He is not bound by our time frames.
@brendamc I know. I know. I know. I also know despair is not of God. I think I am feeling that sense of all this hope and energy from the last few months just not coming to reality. Doesn't mean it won't. When you wait and wait and wait and nothing happens.....One thing, I refuse to let fear govern my life and actions.