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Genesis 1:1 and the Dirac Sea of Negative Energy
The original terms used for Heaven and Earth in Genesis in some translations meant expanse or vault, with a separation between the two. To quote from one article I found, "[t]he term raqia, here translated as 'expanse,' implies something that has been spread out or stretched out; it is a cognate of the verb raqa, which means, 'to spread out or stretch out.'"
In a cosmology based on the Dirac Sea conceptual model, what existed before Earth (which I take to mean, "matter,") was the expanse. It's a 10-dimensional space-time geometry spread across this manifold and filled with hexagonal close-packed electron-positron pairs (E/P's - pure energy) and was created by God. That is Heaven.
Dirac's math said this expanse is completely filled and is essentially a super-dense, solid crystalline structure where energy, in the form of Positronium atoms (E/P pairs) is the only component. But, hexagonal close-packed spheres always have space left over. The spheres take up at most roughly 75% of the space and 25% is empty. This arrangement matches the original meaning of a solid firmament with an empty expanse/vault of space that can hold matter.
As we've seen, ancient cultures knew of the flower of life pattern, which is how close-packed positronium atoms would look. If they knew about that, then the first few verses of Genesis describes this pretty well.
The full article is here:
The Planck length=smallest thing there is.
Imagine tiny magnetic balls that size filling every crack and crevice of a space. There are voids here and there setup by the vibrations of these teeny tiny magnets, that are all vibrating and exciting each other throughout the whole of, well, infinity.
Imagine the vibration pattern as what you see in the pic below. Now, realize that the tiny magnets are in dimensions you can't see, but are all around you. The voids previously mentioned are you! They are your so-called, "atoms," that make up your body and everything else that you can see and measure.
We're a mirror of a higher-dimensional plane that is the exact opposite of us in all ways. Our space is empty, that other plane is completely filled. Our energy is positive and that other plane is negative (although from that other plane, we're the negative. ) Get it?
The Dirac Sea of Negative Energy model. The PSU's in this diagram are Dirac Sea electron-positron pairs existing in dimensions at right-angles to our own. The voids in between them are where the actual matter accumulates that exists in the empty space of our side of the zero degrees Kelvin/dimensional barrier. In other words, our dimensions of 3D space and 1D time.
At the center of the proton is the void of positive charge that creates the standing wave in the sea of PSU/particle pairs that radiates outward to the proton's charge radius. That essentially glues all the PSU's together in that volume of space and the mass equivalency of that amount of energy is equivalent to a black hole, but only if it were on our side of reality. Not over there, though. Over there it just sets up what we call the Strong Force.
That proton then creates another standing wave in the sea of PSU's/particle pairs that defines the orbital shell of an electron, which we then call the hydrogen atom.
Dirac's Sea
In theory, Dirac's Sea of Negative Energy is a Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC) that is below absolute zero in energy/temperature. It behaves as a single entity in this condition. It is composed of close-packed electron/positron pairs, like 1's and 0's, spinning in a 10-dimensional matrix infinite or nearly infinite in size. Time doesn't exist there. It's no coincidence that this sounds kind of like a computer brain or storage system. Those with a religious upbringing might think something different.
They abandoned and ignored Dirac's proposal that the negative energy root solutions to his equation were real and described another part of reality and went a different route, but still kept his positive side solutions as the basis for today's QM theories. All of which need fudge-factors to work, since they're ignoring half (or more) of what the equations actually predicted.
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Further reading: