@HealthRanger's presentation today on the Health Freedom Summit is great. Lots of valuable information.
I think it's the last day, so catch it while you can!

Unfortunately, many people on that summit still believe that there is some invisible "virus" making people sick. This is based on the false germ theory myth.
@jasmine True. There will always be people who believe this, but I still think their information and points of view are valuable, and I don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. I think Mike believes it too. I know that germ theory is being questioned like never before, and it's a good discussion/debate. I've been listening to Dr. Kaufman, Dr. Cowan, Dr. Brogan, etc, and I know that most viruses haven't been isolated. But I still have questions about it.
You should do research if you have questions. I have been researching health and natural healing for about eight years and there is no evidence for the germ theory but much evidence for the terrain theory. Look into the history of how the germ theory was pushed on the public by Rockefellers, etc. via that Flexnor report and their funding of the so-called medical schools in the early 1900s.